II CLAKIS JURORS SWORE FALSELY Attorney for Will Washington Accuses tight Jurymen In Affidavit. DOOMED TO DIE SEPT. 3 The affidavit ef i'ohn Helmlch, attor-My for Will Washington, colored, eon-aemned murderer, which li oa fit In tne governors office, charges eight Juryman la th Waihlniton ease with sw.arlng falsely whan thay wara am. panelled for the trial. Tha naraaa of tha Jurors given In Mr.
Helmichs affidavit as swearing faliely are W. O. Cullen, W. jf. La.n.
W. H. Smith, J. B. T.
A. Mulligan. W. RSnnegar and W. P.
Haya. Tha claim efttfc jurymen that they had not aanrad on any orevlous Jury In cowtyor th two yeara air, n.imicn serious charge against them, together with H. B. Mack anothae nn Waahinti. i attorney.
She atated the eight Jurymen named ware asked If they had eat aa jurymen in case, tried during the past iww rears ana mey laid they had not. Claims Had Karvarf Tha affidavit then chargea that the receras in tne omce of the county Judge, where name of Jurymen are kept, waa examined and every one of the name of the men above appeared aa having on criminal juries recently. The affidavit of Mr. Helmlch then goei en further and atate the defense only uwunio our 01 ineir cnallengea and uaa eleven jeu. Waehlngton wag tried and found guilty and then later pleaded guilty to the murder of O.
3. Carlson, whom he wai charged with killing and than robbing. body after being waa inrpwn on or a nlgn Bluff. Washington. In hla confeailon, named three white men whom he laid as-isted him.
The men, however, were discharged by Judge Mclteynolds, the case never going en trial. Washington nas oeen granted tnree respites and Is aooraea to aie in the electrle chair, Sept, 8. Good Program For Labor Day Motorcycle, Races, Comic Contests and Band Concert on Card. THE CHATTANOOGA NEWS, CHATTANOOGA. MONDAY.
AUGUST 30. 1920 NEGROES KILLED An all-day planned for Warn place of Labor da; la being para to las ti Monday, Sept. celebration or day. lion Tha feature of the gathering will be some thrilling motorcycle racea by Dro- itissionaia irom a number 01 dinerent cities around Chattanooga, Including Atlanta. Knoxvlll.
and ether amaller I places. Arrangements have also been made lor a special train 10 run Ironi Knox- I BARON; CONFESS After Robbing Mark Wilson Home, Shot Escort and Attacked Girl. MYSTERY IS CLEARED UP WHOOPING COUGH QUICKLY STOPPED Mrs. Hertzha Says One Bottle Relieved Her Little Girl. "I read your advertisem*nt In the paper that L-V waa good for whooping cough and bought a bottle for my little girl, aa she had this trouble," aaya Mrs.
N. S. Hertzha, Route 3, Whites Creek Pike, Nashville, Tenn. "One bottle cured her. I can certainly recommend L-V for whooping uuugii, A few doses L-V will stop whooping cough.
Strain is relieved and there Is an almost immediate abatement of cough. Get L-V from any aruggist. (Adv.) Ploked up Friday mornlnr hv xr.b Wilson. Well-known contractor, whan Chattanooga on this date which them walking along McCallle JI.bri!I'.5mi?,'"f.Il",J20. motorcycle avenue wearing shoea and elothlna 1 win itoo.
Aiie I nl'l be started Immediately after dinner. '0In his residence several days contests "go, two young negroes were bronrht 111 be on the program, lncludlna loot t. 7 prougnt raoee, bicycle races, as well aa water- n.aaquarter ana from melon and pie-eating contests and nu- that time until Saturday evening before Band Concert. coniessions of the murder ef Abe Baron, A oana concert will be given by iwmpi.a assault en hiss Jennie smmera' band both itmnr.n PMrimin ihi ih um flnauy obt.fn.d" park In the evening dealing with the At 8'e'ck Saturday night final de-labor auest on. n.
Thi mii n'w nora crimes were the h.nd. of detectives, and at a. of those planning to attend tha cele- early hour Sunday morning the negroes, grounds PlCnl TyIor Ne'- ed C. J. Jack.
and And Inrinatelol nlUM- i- u- iA I tharafnr. k. Ai-lli with members of the deoartment Th. others, felt It m.o. k.
"iVboT had anything to d. with the Oerlach Is chairman. the names of Chief Hackett, Ray 11 UP- ining, nowever, tnat I am most PASTORS CONDEMN CRIME At a meeting of tha United Pastors' association (colored), bald at St James' Baptist churoh, of which' Rev. E. Moor is pastor, tha following statement waa given out for publication: "la regard to tha awful, daatardly crime said to have been committed a few day ago at Churchvllle by two young colored men, who ara said to have confessed tha crime, wo wlah to put ourselves on record as being understood not to condone such crimes or lawless acta by any people of this peaoeful community, "We also do not condone any degree of recklessness that might bo dona by any eltlsen that Is calculated to disturb the peace and harmony of the good people of Chattanooga, or to cause the least possible friotion between the raoes.
"In doing this we feel that wo bavs gone our limit whan we express the hope that such lawful steps may bo taken that will bring the per. pctrators o'. such crimes to Justice, and we, furthermore, put ourselves on record as being ready to do all In our power as minister to admonish inose wun wnora wo may bars to do to be law-abiding citlsena. "The leaders and better class among tha colored people of this olty doplore the fact that colored men should be la any way connected with so ffifM crime. "REV.
"Committee." NO MORE CARS TO BIRMINGHAM cnattanooga Shippers Re joice Over Cancellation of Bryan, his aeoratarv. an rw.ti. Payne, states that Maal ahnt n. gratified about Is that tha word nf tha Tl i I Mti. I tviiiis oaron was pulling up the I want inrougn so mucn uunains or nis automobile, the weapon aullenng nas been corroborated," uq neing a rine that wse stolen In attorney-general.
i i ara wuson home. I uen. inamlee said, "you raiaiea mat iaai aearcnea I mere are a certain class of peo i.unea reanman rrom i wo nve suon aoubtful lives them' whan x. i 1 wm doubt everything tallln. I in.
worq 01 a bb imi aii wduiu cnnai nar ir sna hwksc. miraa imbahah i i tn creamed. have h.aM 1 i gsssaiiw wuiliejix Man Conflict ah AmiuU I Who bsllevoa th vniinv lAr wmtU Ill thss AnnfslBslfnn TslWairkn Ml.lHia 4W.I hid tnlffl Am lintnitk a. aws XTal a i i vmiiiif I t7 v. i eaLrvut, UIV tUiail va LiHiri Lnsi sriri nmmm tha ti ir isi snv fininiAei that im au i threw her down, and with one hand on body who should stick together it should nrudri but the the womanhood of the country, they himself uuln other.
The confession nimseir to run. cnrrnhmut-il VVhlle admitting in his confession man." Gen. Chamlee said the flist case he Recent I. C. C.
Order. Immediate relief from tha lnxai nm shortage is nredlcted following tha celpt Monday by railway offl0rals of an that hi shot Baron. Neal olalms Jack" order canceling the recent order to send son a.arrh.4 all emntv box cars relieve the conavstlon send all cars to the inoi were isiuea anoui a weeK ago fou -nil negroes I lowing an Investigation by the inter. rnTd 'r" "'fiu- Ueorge Mapp killed and robbed a m.r. ner.
hv h.an nn.hla ere Is no conn ct ln tha ennfaa. Ml woranouse confessed Southern- r'allway "om. ht that a. ciais. jocai snippers win De able to get lir OI aron, but nut anvin.
L. i about SO per cent, of the cars neeJed fh "'yoes lay the blame for the at- fh. fr of nllhln h- Aa.i 11 tSmDted Saaaillt nn 1lmm ine nPgrOCS. NeSl. Mann situation is then expected to show con- ftbsr.
I t'1" Mm" O'n. claims ne aia not Intend to TO lnnl congressman John Kill Baron, but that tha ritla Moon waa then 1uHir accidentally. pointed him to represent Mapp. How Both negroes admit they had been ver both roes were found gulltv and tn hv that Neal ln -th county ty sheriff F. 11 ne imnmea.
PELLAGRA- MISSISSIPPI BOY CURED His doctors gave him up to die. He nad open sores on his face, hands and reg's. His throat was inflamed and full of scabs. Ho suffered terrible pain In his stomach, arms and legs. But tha boy's parents heard of isriusnn a Treatment and de cided to try Jt.
Boon after tha treat ment as started an Improvement was noticed. The pain was relieved and the sores started to heal. In a few months the patient was com pletely cured. If you suffer from Pellagra as this boy did, by all means Investigate this treatment. Baughn's Pellagra Treatment was discovered by a big-hearted man, living in Jasper, who Is devoting his life to the relief of Pellagra among his neighbors.
Hs Is glad to help you. He has wj-ttten a booklet on "Pellagra and How to Treat which we would like to send to you. It will help you effect a euro In your case. Send your name and address and we'll send the booklet without obligation to you. American Compounding Box 202S, Jasper, Ala.
(Adv.) I Bad Colds Can bo "nipped the bad" if you will, right the 1 tart, a tlnued Improvement. WILL OPEN UP NEW! ROAD INTO WARNER PARK Work was started Mnndav mnrnlnD uy mo aepariment or public utilities, grounds and buildings on the opening up of a new road leading under the McCallle avenue viaduct leading Into warner park from Duncan avenue. This road Is in the lower end of tha park and Is being established for tho purpose of diverting the heavy trafflo coming Into the park during the fair and other gatherings from across the race track, which has proved very Injurious to the track in the past. When me new route Is completed It will be possible for all trafflo durlnr tha mm. ing 1920 Interstate fair to be routed mis way.
There Is at tha present time a atreet leading along this way, but It has never oeen useo. BODY OF NEGRO FOUND HANGING TO A TRE Olaude Chandler Wa Taken From JaU by Group of Masked Men. Oklahoma City, Okla Ana IS Tha borty of Claud. Chind or. WM 'rom the jail I todav iS I men, was early nii near of 6ki.ho Phone Vo1 oTn'o.
Chandler waa nniuiuny- in a. moonshine still 81 an ton weias, a federal nrnhlhiti-. ment officer. Chann nr fatha. timid.
Chsndler, were killed. The men who tnnb h. obtained adml-ai .1 1 imu "ioiais nffln' A they were an 'Broh'y took v-i mi iiKro. man. hla VALUABLE PROPERTY CHANGES HANDS MONDAY finger and told th them, Then It waa.
aha miatorf ahe was pulled from the car and assault attemnted. From the very first Q. W. Chamlee and other Inve.tlratnra oonvlnced the girl was telling the absolute truth about the terrible affair. The cases of the negroes will be 1 1 iu vn auemion or tne grand STANLEY $AYS INNOCENT w.7b.a;1veGn0nan?arry1Vri.,'rntVr.m,,t5; Aitnougn tne case of Hyder C.
Stan- y. arrested by Plalnclothea Men rn. A. H. Roberts, on the recom- gsn and J.
H. Oouldy on charges of oatlon of the attorney-general, offered selling and transnortlna llmior. reward of 1500 for the canture of the paseea in ponce court until Friday. wno Kiuea usron and as- atfieu af Touna Barnn waa ahnt nn JnnVn.ni we6k. J1" Pearlman, his companion at the time he met his death, declared the first she knew of a wnen she heard a annt.
Kli. Innlr. negroes. Rhesatd Rarnn f.n il r.Z.v"JLwvJr."" P'ces of ground and. believing robbery to be placed on Record Monday Th2 he sudden attack, at- brought a consider.
IM llF and iH2UKh.n,,t a 'i? wor'1 wa "POken, was purchased by Bushe. she quickly pu led a watch from her wife. The valuable city "nronert hnM wriet and a diamond rin fm.n in. Property hold- flnirer tnlrt th. central Im there is a likelihood that Stanley will h.
When the defendant anneared In court Monday the state did not have sufficient proof and there was no denial tnat tne state nan a weak rau aa it men stood. Stanley declared to Judge juarim ieming mat ne was Innocent, HEAVY POLICE DOCKET More than slxtv case, rama tn tha attention of Judge Martin Fleming In Police COUrt Monday, and flnaa enriched the city treasury considerably. A number of the offenders were also bound over. There were three arrests on of storing liquor, one for selling and transnortlnr ami another ror transporting and atorlng. A nice Supply Of IlOUOr Was nantlira In rnn.
nectlon with the liquor arrests. One or two disorderly houses were raided, and prisoners taken In the ralda were given sn opportunity to say "Good morning, Judge." NEGROES HAVE PISTOLS In compliance with th. wani of Chief W. Baker about the arrest ef loiterers and nrowlara hntt, hii and colored, police officers nabbed two negroes Sunday nlrht r.r. with revolvers.
One of the pistol toters' was frank to admit he was tiara nm sn. Ha wnr. h.i nnn. talnlne many pnimiia nf wnen he persisted in his obrtreperoim conduct he was very nulckly subdued. ana was meek enough.
when Monday niurnina roiien around. Tha nthar na- gTO appeared In court with m.fWa p.m nruiggs on nis COllntenanra which they of- trans! 5u ''2 Jf Purchased by id the C. B. Shepherd from Mrs: F. Han.
derson for a consideration of $12,600. CHILD DIES OF WOUNDS FROM ACCIDENTAL SHOT Ernest Jones, little son of Mrs. W. Tond by a former marriage, who was eerlmisly wounded last w.ek by the accidental discharge of a revolver, died In Erlanger hospital at an early hour Monday morning. At first the child appeared to be Improving, but there was a turn for the worse.
The bodv 1 1 10 and prepared per- bullet, saulted Miss Fearlman. Friends of the young man promptly raised In the ueiKnDornoon 01 la.uou rerea as a reward. Reads Like Fiction Wilson read lowing the kllllnsr Detsetlvea a Para dlso and A. B. Dodson went to the scene, where they found Miss Pesrl-man's slipper and a handkerchief.
In the "cave" referred to In the confes-slons of the negroes an empty gin bottle. Stolen fmm Wllann'a hnm. a discovered. The gin was Imported and Torlf! Au. 10.
Dr. Belisarlo of a rare brand. A piece of suspender newly elected president of and some soap also came to the atten- arrivea in iora today on tlon of the detectives. At thst time it steamer Colon from Cristobal and was not known Wilson's home had Havana. He was accompanied by his been robbed.
wife, son and daughter. The next day Wilson returned from n- Edinond i'uyol, of the Cubaa Canada, discovered his home had been ymy.L ncl Anderson, candidate ransacked and robbed. Dresser draw- lh presidency of Costa Elca, also crs. trunks and compartments through- wer on tn Colon. out the house had been opened and the contents piled on the floor In the dlf- Tfl MAKF HflNnilRAQ ftRY jNcw urieans, Aug.
80. i'jiins for CAESAREAN OPERATION FAILS TO SAVE CHILD KvanHVlltsV Tnrl sia. 17 VLt1 Sf'thV'SiS? UP?" 7ope8ra on in the hopB of sav Ing the life of har formld Th" ration was formed a few moments after the vouna X.8.T"lL?J!i ht the ohtld was'boS inT motner whs burned attempting to start a fire with oil. JOE BAILEYDEF IN RUN-OFF BY PAT NEFF Primary today showed th. of th? Sf.f at Npff' otrm" "ir "Mmy- democrat" Unnid Ht.r.r fvror over former lev Th.
"ntor Joseph W. Bal- UJ.rTn'vo,..."r h0W tK NfllT sin aiitmlnlMHa.ii MTiIINN JAIL IS UNDER GUARD Precautionary Steps Taken to Prevent Possible Mob Violence. MUCH INDIGNATION Athens. Aug. W.
(Speolal.) The Me Mlna county jail was under heavy guard laat night to prevent any attempt to remove from It William Reynolds and Charles MoCann, oharg.d with the murder of I. A. Jenkins, ehlef ef here early Sunday moralng. Aitnougn no organised effort was made popular Indignation against the two men was warm, at what they charged was the murder ef the best polio, effloar McMlnn oounty has bad for years. Tha story of the murder, as related by eyewitnesses, was that Jenkins was by the Louisville Nashville bridge watcning for an expected attempt to bring in "booties-" whlakv from mta.
"an. ncynoiaa. wno is a aenutv ahar. iff, same up. Then Charlla Uor.
approached, and also neared tha town onioer. Suddenly Reynolds shouted he was goiag l0 arrest MoCann for bootlegging, and threatened to ahoot him Jenkins la said to have Internos.d ivo, don shoot him. We eaa arrest Mm wiiiium inai. Quick as a flash Reynolds turned en Jenkins, shouting: "You have meddled m'i too much," and amp uen ms revolver in mm. Five bullets took effect, and Jenkins died lnstantli Ansa 1 Nnvtiniiia an were said to have h.ld a conversation Immediately before the shooting.
They Were at onoa arraatail anil th. Jail, where neither wag able to make bond. The preliminary hearing waa soneauieo ror Mnnnav. nut mam nnt held. It will not ooour until after the funeral of the dead officer.
H. H. Madison and Clem Jonaa ara representing Reynolds! the ease of the state is 111 tne nanus of den. T. vacv.
COLORED LEGION TO MEET A meeting of the McDavla-Kreeman mat No. 11 (colored) of the American win ne ne Tuesday niaht. Sept. r. Uy this time the post commander.
W. K. Durroh. will ha hanlt from hla vacation, which ha beaan after wanning tne atate convention. Tn.
post commander and adtutant will haval an Interesting report to make as the result or tne convention. I 'ilie largest attendance Is urged foil mis inaeung. 1 MEDITATION CIGARS some emoke, rollers the more you I 1 you want. A alia. I rice you oan afford to I 1 The Joy of SAVING1 There is a pleasure that conies with saving, a real happiness that grows with each entry in the bank book and there are unlimited opportunities for purchase or investment when a balance has accumulated! Te.ach yourself the joy of saving by opening a Savings Account with the' Hamilton National Bank CHATTANOOGA, TENN.
If your skin itches just use amoke tha more you want. A pr ay. At all dealers. Chaney-Soott I shape and at a Igar distributors. Adv.
Res c5 II aaajaaj faT" I I Whenever You Need a Oen.rsl Strenothenlna Tonle Take the Old Standard drove's Tast. eaa chill Tpnlo. It strengthens and Far trial ttia. rit D.s. ML Ret.
bol. B.ltinotl, MS. nils up the system by purifying and nrlcntng the blood. You oan soon feel I invigorating effect, I en a strenathentna. 60 cents.
(Adv.) Reilnol Ointment, with Reilnol Soap, usually stops Itching instanify. Unless tho troubJs Is due to soma serious Internal disorder, It quickly and sssily heals most cues ol sclents, rsah, or similar tormenting-ikln or Kilp eruption, even when other treatments bavs given hrtle relief. Fhyslclantlfvj(rtAResinol Sitenilvely. Sold by all draff lits. ssrsssTiassrssTsis-i SEEKS HER FATHER HERE Mrs.
lilppert, of 160 Maple avenue, I.na Angeles, ai Is desirous of Infor- iRilon regarding ner rather, Ueorge n. I inert, who formerly resided en Ava ils II, Ksst Lake, Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Details of the investigation of the ilson robbery and the Baron murder n.i",rt.7.aP ad like fiction. On the morning fol- wh cn he abdomen. PRESIDENT OF PANAMA ARRIVES IN NEW YORK and ferent rooms. A rifle, shotgun immediately upon seeing the piece of 1 fuul lerniory suspender the detectives found In the rave Wilson Identified It aa coming from tne trousers or a drees suit the had are being made by Uen.
Lapes Quit teres, president of th. Central Anier ican repuunc, according 10 an an- irousers 01 a nress suittne naa. T' -Detectives Fred rsyne sna Jack Nell TnUrtn 1 DrV HAD SUFFERED 15 YEARS, SHE DECLARES were working on the Wilson robbery and Dodson and Parsdlso on the murder. The four plalnclothesmen then Toledo. consul-aenaraJ hera tnr un duras, and a near relative to the presl dent.
The president, according to the con- conferred with Chief Hackett. It was "JL Ta. l2 sgreed that all four of them work with IJ0I the chlrf In order that there might be d1IKrbin. In Jht rVi'n no conflict In developments, their theory Im. law.
belna that ha rohhera of tha Wll.nn dJ7i sought or home were the one. who- killed Baron Zt mdlrated. Additional wireless towers will shortly be constructed at Honduras ports. It wss said. TURKISH LEADER7LL Constantlnnnia A.tm tha Kemal I'aaha.
head of the ir the Turkl.h nationalist government at An- ne- an 'f 111 of malaria, his con- "Jl a. bain made worse by worry and snd then attempted to assault Miss I'eariman. Confession Msde. Tt wss quickly estsbllshed thst the rifle stolen from Wilson wss the weapon thst sent Baron to his desth, the bullet taken from the young man's body neing sieel-jnrkerea ana ror a .31 cal ibre rifle. Search was begun for rifle.
On Frllsy Wilson saw two grnes on McCallle avenue wearln army eniri eno snoes ne reeogniien overwork i. hit myslclene are In constant ne is quoted as saying: to the end of the world." "I will fight 4.r9nrfn!ora nf Cnnnrlop aI tha wiwimiiivvv vi i vuhuvi VI ltlt Christian Church Gains 35 Pounds by Taking Tanlac. "I Just finished my third bottle of Tanlac and have actually gained thirty-five pounds In weight," was tho statement made recently by Mrs. T. Conway, TJ9 East Hldepark street.
South Bt Joseph, Mo. Mrs. Conway Is one of the best known and moat highly respected women in South Pt. Joseph and Is a grandniece of Alexander Campbell, founder of the Chrlo-tlon church. "For at least fifteen years I had suffered dreadfully from stomach trouble and nervous Indigestion.
I gradually grew worse, until finally I lost mv appetite, and even when I did manage to eat a little something It caused me Intense suffering. After every meal what I had eaten fermented and Moated me up with gas until I could hardly breathe. I auf- fered so from dizziness that I have actually fallen ln the floor. I had pains all through my body nearly all the time, which were especially bad In tho small of my hack. My nerves were so upset thnt It was simply impossible for me to get a good night's sleep.
Finally I became so run-down and weak that for months at a I could not do my housework, or even leave my room. "I tried many different medicines, but nothl.rtg seemed to reach my case until I started taking Tanlac. and the first bottle of It did me more good than everything else I had taken put together. I am still takinr it. althouah I have been practically relieved of all my troubles.
Things I hnd not dared to eat ln years now agree with me perfectly. I am almost entirely re-lieved of naln. am never troubled with dlizlnees and I can do my housework without a particle of trouble. In feet. I don remember when I have en-Joyed as arood health aa I do now.
and It Is all due to what Tanlac has done for me." Tanlac Is sold In Chattanooga by Morrisons' three drur stores. Dr. H. O. Null.
Ridge Junction, and Sherman Heights Pharmacy, East Chsttai.ooga, Tenn. (Adv.) SMOKE INHALATION EXPELS CATARRH Pleasant to Use and Inex-. pensive. DUMMY RHODES DRY CLEANER Suit jFrench Dry Cleaned for $1.25 107 East 7th St Phone Main MS 1400 1 E. tth tt to the detective's office and the exsml nation begun.
They confessed. It was stated, to the Wilson and soma other robberies. As the examination continued other sdmlsalnns were msde. but It wss not until after 7 o'clock Psturdsf night thst their confessions of the Baron murder snd the attack on Miss Pearlmsn were finally completed. Esrly Saturday nlirlit.
after repeated grilling through two dnys and a night without any letup, the admission of the man who wielded the gun thst brought a quick end to Baron's esrthly existence rame from his Hps. The confession of the st-tempted ssasult of the alrl did not come until later In the night. There must be readers suffering from chronic catarrh who would like girl ssld when she wss sttsrked. snd hn h. what wss don.
after the kllllnr and the attempted oiitrsre e'l came In for detsll. rt'r cod. for they must realize Property Recovered. 'bat sooner or later this msy lesd to Wilson's' property was recovered st desfness and other serious catarrhal inree mnerem nouaes. mi.
prnnmnn irounies. rlirt not sea the rifle as It wss Isifl down on the bank shove the mechlne. The shot was fired from the h.nk Detectives were told thst sfter the rifle was laid down a pistol thst hnd been stolen from Brody'e store was hrouaht Into rlsv. Then followed the searching of Baron and the s'tsck on Miss Pearlmsn. The negroes then went home.
Woodia Douslss Smith, colored, mho was arrested on charges of house. hrsaklnc grand larceny snd burglsrv. ssed Nest and about a shot he had He waa esld to hsve heen told that Jsckann wss sctlng the fool with a rifle The nlsht before this astna rifle was discharged In the house and tha bullet plowed a hnle throurh the roof. The pistol which was ua1 was hidden In a grste. It wss claimed.
CHAMLEE THANKFUL George W. Chamlee, who wss present and aaststed sn the cro.s questioning of the negroes who confessed te the murder of At Baron and the attempted saaai It of his young Isdy companion, stated Monday that he wss certainly delighted that the murderers and would-be rapists had keen caught snd had ronfesaed. and he wanted to congratulste the officers and every one Dr. Hlossnr, a respected physician and for forty-six years a successful specialist In cstarrh. Is the discoverer of a plessnnt, direct method thst ran be used by man, woman and child.
Ills remedy Is mads from medicinal herbs, flowers and berries, which you smoke In a dainty pipe or cigarette, snd inhale the vapor Into all the air passu res. it contains no cuhebs, to-barco or hablt-formlng drugs. Dr. Blosser's Remedy Is effective In all forms of catarrh, bronchial Irritation, asthma, catarrhal headache and ear troubles that may lead to deafness. You will breathe better and feel better Sfter using It Any well-stocked drug store can supnly lr.
Bloaeer's Remedy In clg-srette or powder for smoking In a pip, or will order it for you. Palls-fsetory results gusrsnteed by a genuine money-hack offer. A trlsl package will be mailed postpaid to any sufferer for ten cents (coin or etimps) by Th Plosser IT so, Atlanta. Oil, to prove Its de- I llghtful and remarkable effectiveness. I (Adv.) '1END0L DID MORE FOR MY WIFE THAN ALL OTHER MEDICINES.
ALL SHE CAN TALK Rpoaklng of MENDOL. the wonder fill nrUnt.l r. .1 1 1 mra. a. Tur ner, of 711 Kast Mnln atnwr.
nooga, has given the following statement about MKNDOU 1 rV laklng MEN-nOL I had been slrk for four years. Just dlszy, could not sleep, and no energy whatever completely run uuwn. 1 reu iiks tire was not worth living. Everyone said thers Is no use spending mora money, and to try to do tha best I could. How eould you expect to be well after things like that ware said about youT "Ona day a neighbor cams ovsr to see ma ana told me MENDOt, had dona wondnrs for some people she anew.
1 iom ner I did not have any confidence in any medicine any more, but maybe I would try a bottle. "When she loft my husband cams In and iild, 'I have Jimt been reading an artvcrtlsmen about this wonderful MENDOL. riurely, If It ties done such things for these people, It will do the same for you." "So I sent and bought one bottle of MENDOL. After I took ona bottle I found such great relief that I sent for more. "I have now taken five bottles, and I cannot praise MENDOT, enough.
"All my stomach trouble Is gone snd I can do my housework, 1 feel ten yoars younger. I have gained st least sight pounds. hnve told all of our friends about "If everybody knew about the real merits of MENDOL Ilka I do, there would not he so insny siiffnrlns peo ple, for MENDOL will relieve their nches and pnlns and make new per-aons out of theni. "res, sir, MKNDOL Is a Messing to the sick." (Adv.) Superfluous Hair Roots Now Removed at Home A Wond.rful N.w Method Moore Sea: It's good to gst baok off va-cstlon and to get baok to tho dally grind of business, but th bsst of all Is to corns baok to Ths fl.sd Hous Cafstsrla whsrs Moors serves tho bsst food obtainable. Thsrs la not a bsttsr plao In th whol U.
t. whsrs you gst mors satisfaction than at Read House Cafeteria AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE REAL CARPET CLEANING Not the old faHhtonrd kind that wrecked the carpet to get half the dirt But the modern way the skillful, scientific way that gets all the dirt without giving the carpet a wrench or a' shock. Would you like to see the colors In your carpet as, bright and fresh again as if it were new Phone Main 1496 and the wagon will call. Chattanooga Carpet Cleaning: Co. 1257 Market Street.
on Men Olorloiis news for women troubled with disfiguring hslry growths! Hy means of sn entirely new end very simple rnMhod you c.n now remove not only tha surfer, hair, but the roots sa Just get a s'lrk rt (ihelscllii from your drugglat, follow the easy Instructions sea the hair root coin, out neiora your very yes. you ran hardly believe your eyes, the work la dona so quickly, completely. I'helsctln Is non-lrrltatltir. non-odorous, non-poisonous couldn't hurt a i hlld to est It.tAdv Stilts Buy a tutt now and ssvs money. A oholo selection to cfos out $25.00 to $55.00 A fsw Palm Besch Suits Isft $15.00 Usual Credit Terms American Clothing Co.
-Th Daylight Corner" VOLUNTEER STATE LIFE BUILDINO The sssnm srho makes a LafA cMthal toilet apprsciales the VTr I TT A-MfWiswsiod charm of sjjXri aoaieartaUi arW ifl faftrZXi a-, hm mm I IM I' 1 1 A. 4. k-. Us vsW tspraue ISIoaiaNsaaHMcS, BP Don't ssyVacummsy Lttrjf 50t Cn. 30c.
H'iit, wfittk 'fi? PICIAU AT Y.M.C. A. Cafeteria Wsll-sessonsd horn cooked fresh vsgetabtes and cth.r good ests thst will maks you hungry to sss. Th variety I less thsn 57, but you'll hsvs plenty snd bs plsssed. The MAN WHO KCCPi PACCWITH MS Q00D INTtNTIONS MAY DC SAID To 0E Getting along- Phones Main 97-778 jTsTsJarabilltr tad dBcior cv jot exsHy oexoccstxattds im.
Xbmtw tielihrk?.