Household Coed Stores Hoiss Trailar Cabtni 42' Wwtiia Apparel 41 DAYTON JOURNAL Friday, Sept 22, 1944. Poring onJ tand for Sale 78 FARM 170 acres, at end of Dog. leg 13 ml. north of Dayton; fair huildnlgs. spring branch, productive 7 J150 per acre.
W. T. Stafford, R. Tlnn City. 64 ACRES Beautiful 6-room nouse, to- hacco barn, outbuildings, spring water, fruit, berries, 2-acre tobacco base, limestone soil, woods.
For quirk cash sale, J3.600, Take R. 124 out of Hlllsboro, to No, 5 school house; turn left, go to crossroads; turn right, go to first white house on right. Owner. W. E.
Miller. 50 ACRES, 7-room modern (except fur nace), 2 "4 miles west oi city limns; new barn and outbuildings; will sell or trade for city property. 80 ACRES, 7-room modern except bath 10 miles northwest of Dayton on Hoke extra large barn; 5 acres wooded; small peach orchard; well fenced. Mr. Beaver Realty 3091, HE 8550: 70 ACRES Good 7-room house, other buildings fair; new fences, electricity, water in house; 80 hogs, 9 milch cows, 2 heifers, bull, 8 beef calves, 100 chickens, 2 horses, 2 brooder houses, 10 hogs, crops, all farm machinery, tractor; one of the best outfits: all hay and grain.
This is one ot the best, all-tillable farms in Preble county; Move right In. Seen by appointment ohly.Box 448, Journal-Herald. WEST OF TROTWOOD About 48 acres, 6-room frame house, 2 chicken houses, 2-car garage, tool house, large harn: priced very reasonable. ur.u, i. MAI nitwa wa i.whi.
NOTICE -CAFE OWNERS? We have rash buyers waiting for your business; dealings confidential; no sales. no charge. Ed M. Becker Realty 301 Lowe Bldg. AD 6 Beautiful Country Home 40 acres of good producing land, 9 room modern house, hath, hardwood floors, steam heat, 2 barns, corn- crib and grain-ary, 12 miles from Third and Main, 3 miles N.
W. of Vandalia. Take Dogleg Rd. "Shllnh" off N. Main, follow to ex treme north end.
McGreevy Farm. GENTLEMEN'S FARM-" 96 acres, route 40: colonial home; 1,500 it. iromage, au jsmu. An Unusual Opportunity To buy 90 acres of good, productive land; 1.1 acres in apple orchard, just now in tti prime; two modern houses; 25 miles Tl the Dayton markets; ample water supQ J. E.
OREBAUGH, Wilmington, Ohio. Office Telephone 2216 Residence 2032. toft and Aereaqe forSale CHOICE rot in Shaker "Heights. For 'quick sale, 700MA9455. RUGBY RD.
Corner lot; Woodward. 15 Harshman St. CHOICE LOTS In Oakwood at low prices. See the Fidelity Budding 5121: .30 ACRES, 114 miles south of Clayton on Kimme! 3 acres wooded; running water; fine building site; restricted. Mr.
Mantz. Beaver Realty HS 3091, Eves. HE 8550. LOOK 2 and S-acre tracts. Also H-acre tracts, 190 and up.
Facing on and off new super highway, mile north Needmore Rd. Bus service. Owner there from 8 to 9 p. m. RA 8902.
Suburban for Sale 77 US 4-room semi-modern wIB mc neAi 84 CENTRAL AV. (close ini Large front room for girl: references. HE 1S13. COLLEGE PARK A Rooms for men near NCR. HE 0857.
DAKOTA 442 Sleeping room for man; private home. rU 1782. DRAKE 33 Large front room, twin beds; men or employed couple. DELAWARE AV." Comfortable room Tor man.showeT; RA 669,1 FOUNTAIN. 354 Comfortable "room for 2 girls; Innerspring; soft water.
RA 4S55. FOUNTAIN AV. Comfortable, private home, employed couple or men. RA 1020. GRAND, 1023 Room to share with young man; twlnbeds; near bus.RA 9268.
HARBIN 216 (Off E. Thlrdlfroom for 1 or Private home; near Fields. HYNES, 36 Room for nice girl, phone ann laundry privileges, ma r. 235 Pleasant single room; HUFFMAN AV. Room, share with girl; laundry privileges; car line.
KE4ft21. HOOVER, 3523 Room for 2 men or cou ple; garagavallableME 10a8. HOLLY AV 1101 Room, laundry, kitchen privileges; garage available. MA 7126. IRVING AV.
Room for 1 or close to buses; kitchenprivileges. AD 1932. KEN1LWORTH Share comfortable front room, young girl, private home. TA 1868. LINDEN, 707 Large comfortable room, private home.
Near MasterElectricCo. LINWOOD, 211 Large front room. 1 or 2 girls; close in; laundry privileges. MAIN 1112 Nice, "large; 2 girls; NCR. HE 9800.
MAIN, 3622 Double room," twin beds; also shiRleroom. TA 4147. MAIN, 933 Large and "cheerful room, twin beds, bath at door. AD 5158. MAPLE 150 Room for man; centrally located.
FU 3014, MONUMENT, 139 Nicely furnished room; twin beds; 2 men. OA WOOD AV. Nice twin room, 2 girls; also girl to share room. WAJ7383. ORCHARD, 208 1 bedroom for 2 employed men.
Call before 6 p.m. OXFORD, 208 Twin room, 2 men; ga: rage available. PARKLAND A V. Cheerful room, near bus; privileges PARK Double room, twin also single room; men. HE 7639.
PIONEER 38 Pleasant roonTTn private home; woman preferred. R1VERVIEW. 870 Rooms 1 block Salem bus. Permanent, for men; JIE 33S3, "employed ROCKWOOD. 112 Front room couple or 2 girls.
TA 6858, after 4 p.m. SALEM A V. Nice front room; private only; reference. RA 8745. SALEM, 1542 Twin room, men, bus line, private home.
TA 4541. S.mTtHVILLE 421-Clean, airy room for near field bus andcar. THIRD, 815 Newly furnished, inner-spring, privileges, garage. After 6p. m.
TERRY STREET, SOUTH. 78 Girl to share sleeping room. HE 9370. TROY 921 Large room, innerspring; near Airtemp and Leland Electric; employed couple only. Afler 4 p.
FU 0001. WAYNE 1004 Near Wyoming, large room for 1 gins; priveieges diock j. bus lines. WAYNE 2426 Room for" 27Pri va home; parking space. MA WAYNE, 1610 PLEASANT ROO.vl.
BUS STOP AT DOOR. MA 1520, FU 5853. WAYANETavT2937 Man; privateTwrne; orivi eees: shower: near Held bus. 208 Twin rooraibr 2 men; garage. RA 9i66.
WROE, 209 Beautiful twim file bath" shower, 3 large windows, steam heat, bus WROE AV. Nice front to share with girl; cooking, laundry privileges.JTA 2282. WYOMING, 467 Room for 2 in Christian home; nearNCR; 8195. WYOMING, 558-Rr)om; private home; 2 N. C.
R. MAJilS WYOMING, )61toonrTor girl In private home; privileges. MA 7022. DOWNTOWN 228 sleeplngroomsavailable. EAST END Large room, 2 or 3 girlt; field bus and car, nrvileges MA 6310.
DAYTON VIEW Kenwood, 556; large twin room; private home; men. TA 5062. VIEW Nlcirrrx DAYTON VIEW Nice room for 1 or 2 men entrance JwarJsuSjJR A J5918. DAYTON VIEW Front room, Innerspring. 2 men or employed couple; private home.
KU 9922. UPPER DAYTON VIEW Twin bedroom in lovely home to share with congenial glrljjmvnegesRAJMSl EXCELLENT ROOM for 2 girls; soft water, laundry; 2 squares from Biltmore. E9.352.235 N. St. Clair.
DAYTON VIEW, 227 Edgewood Pleasant room; 2doyed DOWNTOWN, comfortable room, every convenience; 1 or 2, reasonable. LOVELY sleeping rooms, privileges; rel- erences. FU 5609. EXTRA nice laree room for 1 or 2 men or employed married couple. Must see to appreciate; no otner roomers.
DAYTON VIEW single room for clean sober mannearbus.AD 2675 R(X)M for business woman In private home. Call TA 28.35 evenings. Housekeeping Rooms, Apts. 56 CINCINNATI 3fi 1 room, neatly furnished; married couplenijf; FIFTH ST. Large room for man drinking: references, can Hi, soio auer 6:30 p.
m. HAYNES, S3arg upper room; adults only. HOLLIES; 21 Housekeeping room "and sleeping room, modern. MA 5589. JONES ST.728 2 rooms; adults, no chll- dren or pets.
Call after 6 p. m. MARSHALL, 21 Close In. On bus." 2-room apt Second floor. MONMOUTH, 1421 large room, com- pletelJtUrnjiedprivate MKKfcDITH, Mh-i-rnnm api.
pirl or emnloved couple. 2 or SHERMAN 16 3-room apt, suitable for4 girls ocple. SUMMIT 2242 rooms" for family of no children. SUNSET 26 3-room modern large porch; 3 or 4 adults only; central. FU 1676.
Ec*msEH, 9 Square west Brown-Sixth, 2-3 men. equipped for cooking. WALNUT 2-room furnished apT. employed couple only. FU 6708.
DAYTON VIEW Double front rooms; kitchen, laundry privileges; phone; on 2 buses; 2 girls; also room for man.TA1971. DOWNTOWN Liberty, .38 Room for light rooking, employed couple. DAYTON VIEW Double front kitchen, laundry privileges; phone; on 2 buses; 2 girls; also room for man. TA 1971. COMFORTABLY furnished housekeeping room.
Inquire 315 Salem atter5. Dupleses furnished 59 3 "rooms, vacant 1 p.m. Friday. Private entrance. Sec anytime.
OAK, 2582 or 3-room modern private home and entrance. PERRY newly decorated, inquire at SwlngBar. Jird and Perry. QUITMAN 1282 rooms, 2 employed girls, near bus. VALLEY PK.
2 furnished rooms; employed couple.prlyate entrance. HE 0230. 6,4 MILES out N. Mainr2-room modern, private hath and entrance. RA 8814.
Duplexes Unfurnished 59 fold Death Notices 2 THREE rooms and hath, elderly hath, couple preferred, inquire rar in, S3 to 14ft 1 i.tvwnon 328 2-room unfurnished private entrance, utilities turniinea. 4091. AD S4 tit S55 SIEBENTHALER, 3.ITV-4-room garage, S55 montn. RA lor appointment. Miscellaneous STeeplm Koomi 47 ICE BASE BURNER 249 HIGH REAR AFTER 8:30 STUDIO couch, dark brown, good con ditionally 6194, after 6 p.
m. BREAKFAST SET Gray oak. 5-piece; Simmons day bed. 1840 CoyentRdj CIRCULATING gas Hetrola, 4-5-room ca- parily. 2.T29 South after 6 p.
m. POSTER bedroom suite, springs, mattress, S60; 4605 St. James Av. FLAT silverware, rut glass; also dishes, cw ik Ing utensils. RA 75t)L BEDKO" )M SUITE Gray, 5-piece, cherry 4-poster bed.
RA 5252. 3-PIECE maple living room suite; prewarT J520 Wake Av. SOFA BED VERY REASONABLE RA 7S23 lH14RussettAv. RUG American oriental, $100, practically new; 2 iron folding beds. KE 6335.
GAS range, side oven; excellent condition. Cunningham; State Route 35. Box 227B DINING room chairs, 6, dark oak. 108 Salem Av. Pie-War Willow "Babv Bucev WA 2008 5 ROOMS OF FURNITURE.
145 N. GARLAND AV. STOVE, Frigidaire, bedroom suites, dining suiteRA 0X06. NEW ENTERPRISE" circular-Tfeatrolai im. 2(S)S Birkmore FU 39B7.
HAND-MADE 8-pc. dining suite, almost new; 5-pc. breakfast set. AD0S28. 2-8 p.m.
NEW assorted yarn throw rugs, double colors. AD 1898. 112 Wyoming furnishinKS of 5-room 411 W. Falrvicw avenue after 2 p. HEATM ASTER gas range; round table, suitable for poker.
1430 Wayne, KE 0.H2. CHILD'S tied, mattress, for child up to 6 years, $10. ME 2246. PREWAR laundry stove and 7 tube Philco radio. 503 North Gettysburg.
DlNlKG ROOM SUITE, solid oak, 8 pieces. Reasonable. KE )27. DOUBLE Jenny Llnd bed with springs. 1 7x9 linoleum, practically new.
bus nan AD4091. FAVORITE gus stove with right hand oven, 2-burm-r gasoline stove. 1A 2300 after 6 p. m. 3-PIECE walnuthedriHim suite, springs; A-l.
153 Santa Clara Apt. 2. BEDROOM SUITE Solid walnut; prewar; sacrifice fur quick sale; other lovely pieces. TA 1814. 1IOTP01NT electric range, A-l; reason able.
Phone Springfield 9290 Mon. morningsjinly. EI.ECTROLUX, gas range, breakfast set kitchen cabinet, sink, dresser. Loewer Garage, l'hcneton, Routes 202and 43. ELECT ROLUX refrigerator, solid walnut hand-carved table.
9x12 rug, 3 prcn chairs. 544 Suierlor Apt. 5. 1 DOUBLE Simmons bed springs: 1 sin gle bed, springs; 1 leather bed screen; 1 small gas heater; rocking chair. KE1117.
LIVING room suite, bedroom tilt- back chair, 9xl, 9x12 rugs, porcelain-top table and 2 chairs. 132 E. Hudson. DESK AND CHAIR, 2 complete bedroom suites, kitchen table and chairs, drapes, miscellaneous items. New Lebanon 24-F4.
pieces; mattress, springs; kitchen cabinet, coal heater, coal cook stove. 630 Bolander after 4 p. m. HE 45.S5. FOUR complete rooms of furniture includ ing refngeralor, washing macnine, twin tubs, table-top gas range.
Must sell, leaving slate.4220N.J3ixie Dr. TAJ386. MODERN furniture, rues. Electrnlux re ft iterator, piano, studio couch, dinette. 3 bedrooms; radio; entire household goods.
107 Knecht until 9 p. m. COM I'LETE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Coal in basem*nt; strictly modern; privilege of renting house; leaving city. 4 to 9 p. 745 (Jsmond, Westwood! OWNER transferred, must sell: living, dining, bedroom furniture, typewriter desk, vacuum sweeper, antique chest of drawers, dropleaf table, chlfforobe, misc 3045 Mes-mer 1-8 p.
m. LARGE heating stove, all porcelain Vltal-aire refrigerator, 100-lb. size; both in perfect condition. 1IE9338 after 5 SEWING machine, electric Iron, radios. Indirect lamps, bedroom suite, dresser, rocker and chair set; misc items.
HE 1233, 407 Linwood. FURNITURE, kitchen utensils, rugs and bedding. Call afler 7 D. m. Thursday and Friday, any time on Saturday and Sun-1 day.
11 Wroe Ave. BERKEY-GAY walnut 10-piece dining suite, cost $895, sell RA 8295 6-PIECE walnut bedroom suite with Sim mons lnnersprlng mattress and box springs Westlnghouse 6-ft. refrigerator; 2 basket weave metal porch chairs, white; miscel-laneous items; A-l. 2:109 N. Main.
I STUDIO COUCH, good condition. Large leather davenport. 50 Neal Av. LIVING ROOM suite, spring-filled, green silk mohair, lounge chair, ottoman, rust, $40; dining room suite, fumed oak, round table, $25; round kitchen table, 4 chairs, $10: dresser, metal bed complete, $15; G. E.
10-tube console radio. KE 5434, 1-3 p. m. and after 6. HUG, 9x12, all wool, also puuT ME 2767.
25. Household Goods Sferes 47a 1,000 PIECES ot 'econdllioned "househ.ld furnishings. 418 E. Fifth SL WRINGER ROLLS; washer repairing. W.
H. Reichard. 17 N. Jefferson. AD 9641.
WASHING MACHINES REPAIRED All famous make washing machines repaired. Call Kike's Appliance shop for a man to rheck necessary repairs on your machine. Your call given prompt attention. AD 2131, ext. 364.
Furniture, Stoves, Rugs 337 E. THIRD BEDROOM, living room and dinette suites, occasional chairs and tables, box springs ana mattresses, AT LOWFR PRICES Merchandise Mart. 51 Xenia Av. SWEEPER SERVICE FTJ 1892 ALL MAKES 22 Musical Instrument 48 flat clarinet, Boehm avstem; first-class condition, $60. KE 7829.
B-FLAT TR UMPET Good condlUon7WA 4996 after 7 p. m. ACCORDION, Lyric 120-bass: A-l condl tion. 633 N. Main Sat from 1 to 6 p.
other days afler 6 p. m. Musical Instruments Stores 48a vTjfNl'Eb TO BUY Musical will pay cash. 34 E. First St.
NEW and used pianos. Best buys at Bru- ad 498.1. open eves. WE BUY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HELWAGEN MUSIC CO. 251 N.
Instruments loaned to beginners. Dayton Institute of Music, 111 K. Second. 1 AEOLIAN, 1 Chlckering grand, 1 Soward grand; all In excellent condition and will last a lifetime. ANDERSON PIANO CO.
(Stei yva Dealers 114 N. Main St. Radios farts Service 49 RADIOS, table anrTfloor models, $10 up; private home, MA 9546. Wonted to Buy SO TRICYCLE for 3-year-old, In good con- ditlon. MA 7.356.
WANTED Typewriter In good condition. KE 8.328 WANTED Electric refrigerator and washer, urgently needed for baby, TA 800 SINGER REASONABLE. WA 10,31. WANTED, tricycle forTy Mr-old; In good condition, au oidk. CASH for diamonds, old gold, loan tickets.
JACKWERST, MIAMI SAVING4 BLDG. CASlffor your oid electric cleaner, regard-lessof rnndltlnn; will pick up AD 36.32. WE BUY ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE. WHAT HAVE YOUT HE 1986. WANTED, electric washer, preferrably automatic ivi.
ia yjihi. i WANTED ACCORDION TA 3072 l( lNrTTENoirefT ALTO. 1I S2I1 sewing machine! chest of drawers, end table, wardrobe, 11x12 rug, MA 2974, aTler 4:30. PRICES "PAID FOR CLEAN, MODERN FURNITURE. AD ,394.3, SEWING MACHINES." We wilTTiuy your Singer drop head or electric, singer 134 Ludlow, HK 1941, WE PAY gooiT'tised furniture; will buy ronl heaters regardless ru condition.
Al) noiil. WANTED Comfortable indoor bed. Call TA 69(13. WANTED TO BUY Riding outfit for sirTe saddle, in gnott shape; sire rear 14: neigm 5 ft. In, P.
O. Box 4KS. Springfield, O. lulldinq Material 4i of every description, also all the 40 roof Heoseneld Seeds vvrlr VI'. 4.
wheel tannem. electric brakes, tires, awnings, porch, etc. Gish, 4400 Daleview. BA IMia. 'MUELLER" all-metal ramping and utility trailer, like new.
3720 Illinois Ft. McKinley. WANTED LATE MODEL" USED TRAILERS HIGHEST CASH PRICES Dayton Trailer Sales Dayton's Largest Trailer Dealer 3966 Ridge at N. Dixie Dr. TA 1512 14-FOOT Martin speedboat and trailer; Muncie gear twin motor, p.
KA4tf COLT revnlMT, caliber. 1 box shells, A-l condition. WA alter p. m. BOAT, motor and trailer.
$150. 523 Bolander (i.s aner i p. JOHNSON 22 It. P. racing motoi Nolan Thompson.
268 N. Mam, West Milton phone Hii-W after 6 p. m. EVINRUDE. '41, 10 h.
Simple starter with 12-ft Acme boat wan trailer, Riilee Av. WOLVERINE" 16-ft. deluxe "run-a-bout with n. p. Kvlnrude, seit starter; botn Mi model and trailer with accessories, Tills is the outfit you've been looking for! 24 E.
Fifth. AD otii.i. fnnvtpiaiN-' KFlAT. la-ff Iletit*. fTass.
stwring and inrottie, seat cusnions, cover for boat: boa relinished. Johnson 4-26 II. P. and trailer; $450. Neptune fishing motor; jfliO.
TA 23C9 m. rilOMl'SON suiier DX 14-ft boat, boat cover, windshield, steering wneei, reu leather cushions, Evinrude 17V4 h.p. motor and Simplex starter, A-l condition; all-steel trailer, 6.00x16 tires, 301 Grove. HE 1081. Cameras Equipment 42b t.ft AND" T-10 a lector bulbs.
30a bulbs, 500, Jj)0-watls. myton iuneniui. i ajiw. Office Business Equipment 43 TWO Burroughs bookkeeping machines. Roth's, 113 K.
Third si. MEAT SAW, electric; (Jim Vaughn); no prtiirlty needed. Apply 1418 Wayne AV. 8-FOOT Place glass showcase, mirrored doors, for sale. Mr.
Tanner, 2b west Second St. DOCTORS equipment. International clinical centrifuge, Davidson Pneumo-1 norax, Florsheim short wave. Max Wocher suction and pressure unit, 2 Baumena-meters. Hemacytometer, misc.
TA 8263. SHOW CASE. 10 feet. sloping: also wall bread case. ScliatliM.line.iUer a liaKery.
iui Troy St. Dressing macrTlne" and boiler home or picnic beer dispenser; 4fi-cup dr inula tor coffee maker. RA 0068 after 6 p. m. Machinery Tools 44 AMERICAN floor "snnder, American edger, 8-IN.
SK1LLSAW. used but 10 Brown St. 2 and tool and cutter grinders; large, small lathes; drill presses; piywoon; uie shatters: throatless shears. Mantis." 433 E. O.
lit 5570, PA 0785. ONE Walker-Turner radial drlllpress, 1 Hrown-s harne surface lirmuer. i nunu saw. 1 3-spindle drillpress, 1 4-spindle drlll-nress. 1 power hacksaw, 1 La Point broache, 1 No.
2 piinchpress, 1 Logan hand screw, 1 16-inch lathe, 1 bench mill. AD 9558. INLAND tire vulcanizing set, almost new, comimund and patches. 12.10 c. rum at.
AD IIS35: AIR COMPRESSORS NEW AND USED MOORE EQUIPMENT CO. 226 W. THIRD. AD 3124 Distributors for INCERSOLL-RAND WESTINGHOUSE Plumbing Heatinq Supplies 45 "HJOUTOMATTETwater htmters and water! softeners see Randolph, 210o Catalpa JUr. FllltNACES All sizes available, cast and sleel, wholesale, retail; also 3 recondi' tioned furnaces, 22-Inch size.
Call William, son-Barker Furnace 007 Washington. STOKERS now available to users of 25 tons of foal and over; 65-lb. stokers in slock. AD 2266. Building Material 4i X'lfFsECTIONAL office building, ready to move.
WA 3586. PINE lumber, new and used, 7c and 9c boardjt. 8141, CINDERS FREE" AT ICE PLANTS At Rlverview and Summit St, and 209 Concord St. 2x4. 26, 2x8, 2x10; 1x6, 1x8, 1x10 box; 16.
l8 sidme: 1x4 floorine: some roof ing 90-lb. rolls, 2x2-and sheeting. George Schwartz. Xenia Dike. H4 es from cor poration line at gravel pit, near Greene countyllne.KR1497.
OAK FLOORING, rockwool. bats and in sulatlon, builders supplies, waliboards; no Driorilv. Pine and dimension lumber, all kinds with priority. BECI IERH'MRERCO. 2691.
4 STORM windows 29 inches wide, 5 ft. 1 1" high, HE 2551. GOOD used lumber of ell kinds, bricks. windows, doors, and kindling. Northwest corner Brandt and Leo, 11 a.
p. 4:30 p. p. m. STORM SASH, insulation, screen doors, combination doors, windows, door frames, molding: Uni-Rol overhead garage doors, step ladders, window screens.
Jjneci Mill-work. 5 Council, HE 2442. YOUR DRIVEWAY I'SE CRUSHED BLUR LIMESTONB BLACKTOP PAVING Also Immediate delivery ot agricultural Limestone BLUR ROCK, INCORPORATED Phone MA 8721, Dayton USEDLUMBER Sash, doors, timbers, packing boxes, plank' ing. pine. etc.
1280 N. Gettysburg Av. ME 1291. ATLAS WRECKING AND SALVAGE CO. DIRT FOR SALE Cheap; delivered In vicinity of North Main and Dayton View Must be taken Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
Bulldozer will also he available Phone RA 1685 RA 6563, day or night FOLDING CAMP COTS, mattresses, stoves, office chairs and desks; cupboards, coal and oil stoves. SHARTZER WRECKER AND EXCAVATOR Buyer ot Surplus Stock 700 ALBANY ST. FU 8878 Next Door lo Stiindard Register STORM "SASH All Sies INSULATION Complete Line PROMPT DELIVERY FETER KUNTZ LUMBER CO. AD 8214 All Kinds iew, Used Building Materials SheathinR, box board, oak, pine and maple flooring, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12, all lengths, insulation boards, wall boards, roofing, shingles, slate roof, bathtubs, lavatories, toilets, cellar sash, steel gush, reinforcing rods, all kinds of pipe all sizes, siding, hot water boilers, fire escapes, laundry trays, chicken and hog houses, cabins, auto-malic water heaters, boilers, soil pipe, concrete blocks, brick, sash and doors, roof trusses, 40 ft. long, window sash and doors, plywood and counters.
SHARTZER WRECKER AND EXCAVATOR Buyer of Surplus Stocks 700 ALBANY ST. Flf 8871 Next Door to Standard Register Hsvmg nurchssM sll the form lumber HO 43 FURNISHED heated cabins at the Pine, six miles out Xenia Pike. Lone Vacation flaeai INDIAN LAKE Cheerio cottages, week. Beckel Hotel. INDIAN "LAKE WINTER, COTTAGES Modern.
For hunters, and fishermen. FU 902a Property WANTED TO RENT 2.000 ft. floor space, ground floor. KE 9871. BROAfJWAY near Third; brick building.
6-car capacity, suitable for business or storage; $30. FU 9081; RA S50. RENT, LEASE-large storeroom, for retail business or salesroom. Business secuua ui Salem Av. RA 8411 or AD 3155.
Garages Parking Spact 46a GARAGE Large3-car, storage or small hop. Rear 2640 N. Main; $25. AH biai. Wanted to Rent or lease 67 WANTED 4 or S-room house by perma nent Daytonlans, urgent.
HbS424. FURNISHED 4 or 5-room house or apt. UNFURNISHED 4-5-room house. Local paytonlanf.ExceIlent re2erences.MA6045. SMALL furnished 2 adults.
Miss Scott. AD 1111. extension VnH. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED APT." COUPLE. MA 8304.
WILL exTFange 3-room unfurnished apt. tor a or b-roen nouse. ia ami. ARMY OFFICER, wife, daughter, desire 4-5-room furnished house. 2ww.
T-5-ROOM furnisheoTor unfurnlsTied'house; ref. KE 7111, ext. 2W13; Lt. JHercer. UNFURNISHED 4 or 5-room house or 3-BEDROOM unfurnished "house; permanerii Daytonians; good references, ma bw.
SMALL furnished 2 adults; perma nent; Dayton references uu', UNFURNISHED HOUSE a or 6 rwims. 3 adults; permanent reswenap i UNFURNISHED 2 or 3-bedroom house; nice location. WA otras. 6-room house, perma-7431. nent civilians.
References. He. FURNISHED" modern house or adult couple, best of references, city or u-born. MO 8-8118. FURNISHED employed couple, rei- erences; reward.
Call ll-a. KA REFINED family needs furnished apt. or house; permanent; rererenres; can vmi-anteed. FU 6131, ext.J26. ARMY officer and wife desire 4, 3-room furnished apt.
or house in gooa location, hv net 1 MA 1005. WANTED 3- or 4-bedroom, 2-balh Tut- shed home. OaKwoon or vicinity, Up to $150. Cell Wright Field Ext. .323.34 UNFURNISHED MODERN HOUSE 2 adults.
Care guaranteed. A-l reference WA Tin COL RE 'waW3-ronm furnished apt. In iiabu notrtnn vipuv. TirrnnritnL idvu'ii residents, tfxcellent references. Call HE 0.3S4 after 6 p.
m. BY OCT. 30 4-6-room modern ahoutTi acre, IS miles of Wright Field; will lease. RA 9S07. Bx4S8Journal-Herald.
niwwi furnished apt. ref- erenres. MA 6511. ext. 56122 between p.
m. Mrs. Eileen Groth. FURNISHED HOUSE 2 or 3 bedroom; not over S125: local reierenres Miss a or 4-room unfurnished ap nermanent: references. Call RA 5090 after ARMY-officer, mother, urgenTly need fur nished or unfurnished apt.
or small house, good location. MA 6511, ext. 50239. CaDlaln Trvon. COUPLE WITHOUT CHILDREN A.I want 2 or 5-room or unfurnished apartment, house or bunga low.
FU 3797 after 7 p. a 6-room unfurnished house In or around Dayton View. Permanent Dayton residents. ReferencesRA 36i MIDDLE-AGE man and "wife, permanently located in Davbn; 5 or 6-room modern house and giirage, located N. of Dayton Rubber, close to transpcrtation, MA 3881 eves.
S-6-ROOM unfurnished house wanted In vi- rinitu of Trntwood or Enelewood: must have electrltv. 2-4 acres ground; 2 months rent in advance If reasonable. HE 1516. NO reward or inflationary offer, but If you have an attractive 2-bedroom apt. or 5-room bungalow In Dayton View or Oak-wood and want permanent, reliable tenants, call Mr.
Falrchllrt, HE 5811, ext. or FU 6131. Room 524; WANTED TO EXCHANGE a first-floor. strictly modern, uniurnisnea tour-room corner apartment with stove, refrigerator and heat furnished; located In Dayton V'ew apartment house and renting for $50, for a 5 or 6-ronm bungalow, lower duplex or apt. with yard; must have stove and refrigerator and comparable location and rent.
Call Mr. Wntkins, RA 8171. REAL ESTATE Announcements 69 WE HAVE BUYERS tor your farm place of business. Call AD 4404. WE SELL.
RENT7 MANAGE residential and commercial real estate. L. IL STEIN MAN ORG. 1141 Wanfed Heal Estate 70 WANTED-i or 6-room house, in any good Jocatlon. Cash.
M. R. Blsch, WA 1092. ANXIOUS to aeil? We need homes, city or suburban. Have buyers.
HE 3154. IF YOU WANT to "buy a home-or sell your property, call AD 4404. WANT to sell your property NOW? Call Bernard L. Hourk, Broker. WA 6271.
HAVE buvers, need property listings of all kinds, ctty or suburban. G. A. Baiter. Realtnr.JUHO Patterson Rd.
KE 1133. 30" TO 100-ACRE farm wanteTwlth stream of running water, suitable for pasture; also for chickens. Box CALL FRED GRABLE, REALTOR To Sell, Trade or Lease Property Reliable, Dependable 1303-04 t'B Bldg. rU 751 WHAT HAVE YOU TO SELL? Will look at and tell you what I think It will sell for today. R.
K. ALBAUGH, Realtor 11.32 Third Nat'l 9331, RA 9679 WE HAVE BUYERS FOR ALL TYPES OF REAL ESTATR RAMBY RAMBY, REALTORS. AD 4242 BUY -SELL -EXCHANGE Lee Ware Realty Co. WA 6000, WA 6060 "HAVE CASH BUYERS Need all kinds of properties, any location, bungalows, doubles, singles. Free appraisal Quirk sale.
GEOIjGK T. MATTHEWS, WA 7366. QUICK I have buvers for high class homes Dayton View or Oakwood. m. Mercer, Realtor, HE 9001, RA 6294.
ATTENTION Cash for twn-famlly Ohmer Part Box 288, Journal-Herald. WANT 15 TO 30 ACRES WITHIN 12 MILES OF DAYTON, NO BUILDINGS. CALL MO 4486, OR WRITE BOX 408, JOURNAL-HERALD. Investment Property 73o ftPTH," 2l0lCor. Huffman, nW, large brick Investmentjproperty, KE 1133.
INVESTMENT Walnut St. 7-room strictly full hasemrnt; Income S152 month; Including lurnlture e.3,750. FU 6708. N. Dayton investment VALLEY ST.
(126-132) -Storeroom and 2 llvlna rooms on street floor; 5 rooms and joining. Price only Miami Savings Loan Co. 25 a Main St. FU 8151 jyourhroker Farms and Land for Salt 75 24 ACRES Near Phlllipshurg; lots of good buildings. Sell, trade.
HI mini. 26 '4 ACRES nf good productive land, 4- room house, about 8 miles south oi ay- lon, close to nguiaire. jvio f.EBA -Vt acres!" woods, stream, 5-room house, harn. poultry house, young orchard; $9.500. AD7H')5andFU 9676.
ACRES, Peebles. newhouse, 2 barns, loo tillable, nlenly water, fishing: sell, Snyder, HE liiwo, WA loo'ACRES. 'lO'mlies norlhr'nsrliv' rollpig stream, old brick home, good hsrns, heaa tlful setting. AD 4941, TA 2103. Copp.
41 ACRES eood huilrilnsa. well tiled, elec tricity; 5 miles N. Versailles. Bee Henry or Roy Long, owner; possftSS'ioM 15 acres, good, well-fenced land; 7-ronm house, new barn, outbuildings; all In good repair; very convenient location. FU 2912.
4 ACRES Farmersvllle-West Carrollton roads, close to Diamond Mill road; good 8-room house, all necessary outbuildings, water under pressure. AD 6681, KE 6387. 60 ACRES, 7-room house, hank harn, out eleclrlclty: with or witnout chattels; 1M miles south Englewood, on Klnsey Rd. W. 1.
Little, Trolttond 195 ACRES, large barn, crib, slock sheds, 7-room house, electrtcl'v. Vi-mlle creek fronlaK; siesion now; $47.50 per acre: crops available wnn ine rnrm Chapman. Phone 2711, Wavncsvllle, O. IDEAL, poultry farm, .3 acres; leell rmilpped. Union Hit.
Move soon. Snyder. HE limn, 73 miles smilh: good ronm semimodern house, barn, 2 creeks, small woods: ideal Iocs I Inn: sacrifice $8,750, Ed Becker Realty AD 6681. Suburban For Rent iurnisnea BOYS LEATHER JACKET, tan coat, sport jacket, sizes 14-18. WA 6755.
COAT, wine color, fur collar, size 16-18; light tan polo coat, size xvi, ewciicm condition A 6642. 1 KVKN1NC dresses, size 9: evening coat; 5 wool skirts. S3 each, like new; sun; -i coats, size 14-18; few pair shoes. RA 8i46. 1S14 Burrough Dr.
Mrs. Miller. WINTER coat, red, size 14: week days be fore 2 p. all day Munuay. jir, in(.
2 FUR COATS Black pony and brown sealine: also untrimmeii oiai'K uum coat; all sieslb-18. ME 1295. BLACK Russian fur coat, A-l, lapm Jacket, wisil coat, 16-20; misc. MA)a. 3 MEN'S SUITS, size 40; hat, snoes ana oven-oat; fine materials: excellent con-ditlnn.
TA 4479. 148Oxrord. PAIR of beautifully matched silver fox furs; worn only few times. TA hUM. I BUY USED FUR COATS FOR CASH JLIIISSWATERSiy)902.
Sheet 41a NEW SHOES RATIONED Reclaimed used army shoes, knee length rubber boots; lace rubber pais, not rationed. Dexter Sales, 35 N. Jefferson. House Trailers Cabini 42 TRAVELO, '41; good tires, excellent con dition: leasoiiHble. KhJ4H Jiltejr p.m.
ELCAR, 1910, 23 has brakes, sleeps gisid condition; $075. HE, 7323, WILL BUY 25 used, clean trailers. Mester Sales, 3005 New 'iroy l'k. TA 3842. WANT to buy used trailer; will pay cash.
ku sxm WARNER ELECTRIC BRAKES Dayton Trailer Rental, 510 W. Third. FUJB997. NEW MOON, 19-12, 23 ft; A-l tires and brakes, Skidmore, 2329 'Roy St. PLYMOUTH '42, 23-fL For uppointment AD 1021.
Ernest Jergens, 9-6 p. m. Worth Investigating. DRIVE-IN TRAILER PARK, 2il4 valley PK. au uJ2.
DEFENSE cabin, liixlfi, $150, will finance. Inquire Village Restaurant, 4, Osborn. LA SALLE, '42, 3-room permanent bed; electric brakes, awning, porch. Dollies good tires. 10, Island park.
INDIAN PAPOOSE trailer. '41; 16-ft; sleeps good tires, sink, storage space; $100. Isle Park Trailer Camp G14. AVAILABLE NOW Fine choice lots for adults; no children or pets. Ideal lrailer Camp, 4750 N.
Main. Cabins Deluxe, Regular Best built by experts, lower prices, down payment Lowest monthly payments. South end Euclid Av. TA 5783. evenings.
HOUSE TRAILER. '44, 25 used only 4 months, pulled only 90 miles; steel frame, spun glass Insulation, ventilators, A-l heating stove with blower, kerosene range, permanent lied, also studio couch, Inlaid linoleum, running water. A perfect home. Cheap If sold at once. Ilarshman's Trailer amp, 2.HI0 Lisle Av.
CABINS BIGGER AND BETTER Compare our cabins with any of the others, Look at the difference in design, work' manship and material. Low prices. Terms. No down payment. and 2 miles out Brandt pike.
HE 0577, WA 2804. Bargain, '41, '42 Trailers Highest Cash Paid for ITsed Trailers BONE TRAILER SALES. Fifth, andPerry New and Sensational 1944 ALMA MODEL 85 At a new lov price. Alma quality always has predominated. Why gamble? Davton Trailer Sales, the home of quality, proven trailer homes.
It pays to Investi gate before you Invest Low down payment, balance like rent, FURNITURE ACCEPTED IN TRADE Complete Line of Trailer Accessories Parts for All Heating and Cooking Stoves Dayton Trailer Sales DAYTON'S LARCEST TRAILER DEALER 3966 Ridge at N. Dixie Dr. TA 1512 BETTER-BUILT CABINS Insulated, well constructed, quick delivery. Pav as lit lie as SI2 month. No down pay ment required.
Valley Just east of Drive-In theater. St. John's bus to door Open daily 12-7 m. 2-6. Arrow construction Al wif.t, ha 2fMf.
Farm Equipment Supplies 33 3 DE LAVAL milking machines. The C. L. jjenistont.o., Miamisburg. ijnoneoa.
INRESPONSKTO MANY INyUlRIES HOLLISTER'S-. Takes pleasure In announcing the arrival of 4 limited supply of Farm Freeze Milk Coolers On display at 27 E. Second St FU 1151 FORDSON TRACTOR RUBBER TIRES PETER KUNTZ LUMBER CO. AD 8214 Mr. Weaver Farm Land Wanted 33a WANTED Small farm within 15 miles of Dayton.
Would consider buying. Adults. KE 4HH6, TA 1636. Farm Produce 34 JONATHAN and Grimes Golden apples. Stoner Fruit Farm.
Frederick Rd. mile north of Lltlleyork Rd. MO 4536. WANTED Direct from growers; highest market price paio. wine amount aim direction.
Louis Harris, y. o. Box 211. Greenville, O. APPLES Jonathan, Grimes, Cortland, Delicious, Banana, Etc.
DENLI.NGKK ORCHARD 1 mile W. of Englewood on Union Rd. Closeu Sundays! GREEN AND KENTUCKY WONDER BEANS PICK YOUR OWN GROBY'S FRUIT FARM l'4 miles soulh of Oukwood on Far Hills Kl lite? Route 48. GRAPES BUSHEL Oil TON DUTCHESS PEARS, PEACHES APPLES AND CIDER Open Every Day II. WAMPLER FRUIT FARM AND BARN Cnrner Shllnh Springand Wnlff Rd.
Main to Shiloh, turn left on Shll Springs halt mile, 0ion Monday through Friday, 8 a. m. to a p. Sal-uidny, 8 m. lo 5 p.
m. SWEET CORN FANCY HOME GROWN 29c 5 doz. $1.40 Fsnry rannlng $2.75 per hit Honey, 61b. can $1.59 Grimes Golden apples per bu. per hu.
Prune plums, fancy, $1,89 per box Pulatoea, lUU-lb. bag $1.99 COMPLETE LINE OF WINTER POTATOES AND APPLES BOB'S DRIVE-IN MARKET SMITI1VILLE RD. and WAYNE AV. Farm Labor Wanted 34a WANTED Reliable man for grneraTwork at fruit farm. Call KK 1807.
MAN for general farm work; house fur- nuner srt se Jrmersvll le. Wentfarm Supplies WANTr.u McrormlcK Deerlng No, combine. Box sttg, Journal-Herald. Miscellaneous for Sal 37 EsTATfc gas Heatrola; radiant heaters; radiators; andirons; desks. TA 5104.
JUr "COMPRESSOR, 1 automatic gas hester. Arrow grease guns. Champion ait gauge. WA 2247Jetween J9 p. rn.
5 GALVANIZED tanks and 1 double drain oard and tub. restaurant link; reason-ehle, KK 87HL CIGARS Mild; trial box 50, $3. no, plus 30e mailing: manv other brands. Free price-list. Zibar, Roselle.
N. J. LD "ORGAN, music box, 25 records, furniture, pictures, books, antiquei; tell ti lot or separate. 320 Jones. 5 METAL bird oases "and stand, $3 each; 3 prs.
ladies' shoes, size 8Vi and 1 pr. men's house shoes, $2 pr. like new. E. J.
Fink, lb miles west flew Carlisle, 0 on Silver Lake road. ICT ROLA RECORDS, used, 25c. earhTS lor full line of new ones. Party supplies, girts and novelties, joker's (un shop, open till 12 p. m.
N. and W. Sales, 1212 W. Third POOL TABLES. 16-ft bar and back bar, cash register, 6-ft.
steam table, chromium stoves. 3 electric fans. 2 Coca-Cola iceboxes, showcase, 57 iron chairs. HE 7646. ask for Kelsh.
TRASH! drums, small and large. We deliver. Call FU mini. 14-FT. MAHOGANY BAR.
good shape; booths. 7 chrome stools, leather tops, cigar case, hack bar with awning ind fluorescent liRhls, double walnut swinging doors with chrome hardware, 'J0-rce-ord Wurlitzer Victurola and 25 wall boxes. 3101 W. Third. ME 0113.
PADLOCKS, 97c, $1.39, they are here now; lard cans, 6Nc; sprayers. 29c and 69c. two sizes: just now plenty liquid spray; rat train, 15c, and mouse traps, 3c; pine tar, 5c; matches. 4c for family size, 10 1c s. for 8c; so, IHc; washing powder, 17c: special bargains for 5c; putty, Jtlc; small paints, He; patching filacer.
19c: roof coaling, 6Sc roof-ng. $1.65 rull: 25-gal. slreet drums, wonderful for garbage cans, ironing cords, SHc up; blooms made from broom corn, say, slop, think the weather is telling you it's the best time to paint; three great bargains. $1.88, $2.45, pure turpentine, oil enamel paint; in short, faints for all surfaces and purposes, and he best produced, guaranteed, and barn, roof, porch and deck; dishes, nails, bolts, screws, locks, glasses, hinges: a thousand bargains on sale constantly. 425 West Third corner St.
Marys Dayton, Ohio, where old-fashioned courtesy still exists. Watson Watson. DINNER SETS, $1 THE COMPLETE SERVICE FOR FOUR Dayton China Store 48 E. FOURTH ST. LUGGAGE WOMEN'S OVERNIGHT CASES SUITCASES-ALL KINDS Liberty Pawn Shop 122 S.
Jefferson LUGGAGE Suitcases, Bags, $1.25, $2.20, $2.90, $15 E.Fitth (next to Mayfair). ARMY" LOCKERS Packing Trunks, All Sizes Liberty Pawn Shop. 122 3. Jefferson DiamondsJewelry 40 REAL bareains In unredeemed diamonds. JACK WERST.
MIAMI SAVINGS BLDG. BULOVA wrist watch, brand-new. 23 discount. RA 5886 after 12 noon. LADY ELGIN, six diamonds; 17-JeweL Kt, 1347, can before
DIAMONDS Sacrifice Prices to Liquidate Loans $10 to $10,000 Loaned on Diamonds DAVIES, 16 E. Fifth (Next to Mayfair) Weariiiq Apparel DRESSES, coats, suits, size 18 41 to 38, good condition. 807 Kiverview. SILVER-FOX JACKET- KA 0009. CHILD'S crocheted dress, tearose, size 4.
41 Mason si. FUR cane; 1 cloth couls, fur trimmed. A-l. RA1452. WOMAN'S "winter coat, wfne and plaid; all-wool, size 42.
RA 389S. gray WOMAN'S warm black coat, rur collar, Size 40; overcoat, 42. RA 4.195. 3-PC, TUXEDO, SIZE 38 RA 8783 BLACK FUR-TRIM, COAT, purse muff, re versihle raincoat; ski stilt, skirts; rea sonable; size 9. RA 9779.
FALL OUTFIT Tan Chesterfield coal, size 16-18; matching shoes (size 51, hat, press, purse, gloves; A-l. A D5310. Poultry Eqqs Supplies 30 Baby" chicks, chi west Miiton 3FIi. Hale'l Hatchery, K. R.
1. GET fresh-dressed fryers. Mike's Poultry, 3466 Ridge Av. Open tlll noon Sunday. IMMEDIATE SALE 60 4-8tar White Rock and English Leghorn laying hens.
MA 5812. PULLETS OR FRIES BYTHELB. WA1451 PULLETS Almost ready to lay. RA 3839. 2237 Nomad, Dallas Pierce, Rabbits 3 RABBITS New Zealand Whites, pedigreed, breeding stocky 721Washjngton St.
RABBITS, does; some with litters; 3 bucks; also Flemish Giant does. KE 8626. NEW ZEALAND Whites, bucks, and breeding does.4018 RABBITS, colored and New Zealand whites; hutches-crocks. Cheap. 2218 Benton.
RA 1429. Horses Cattle Stock 31 REGISTERED Hereford bull, 15 cows with calves.Cail SMALL black-aged mare, for children, 550. RA 05H5. "OUT OF Y.RAIN-FEWTuTUNA Hog Fatena, the complete pork producer. Kimmel's.
1515 W. Third. FlI 5641. SELLING OUT 4 well-trained saddle horses, reasonably priced for quick sale. CaURA STOW fier6 p.m1J'!LCsiodl in.
SPOTTElThorsi'S and ponies, new and used addles, collars exchanged. Bert Slephen- snn and Son. Fairgrounds, Springfield. FOR SALE 5 steers, 4 heifers, weight about 500 lbs. each; or will trade fur hogs.
FU 5556afler 5 p. m. REGISTERED OIC sow. 11 OIC weaned pigs, can be registered. First farm north of Farmersvllle on Rt 123.
SPOTTED saddle horses, 1 Palomino mare; priced right for quick sale; bonded for your protection. Gus Heckman. mile S. of Polk Grove church on Frederick ltd. 150 NEW AND USED ENGLISH AND WESTERN SADDLES AND BRIDLES.
WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Out N. Main, Roule 48, to old Suli-m Road mile w'est St. John. 20 PUREBRED Guernsey cows, heifers and calves; all IB and Hangs tesleil; very line stock- irnm "stale credileu heid.
Northland Guernsey Farm, Salem 21 miles S. ot Clayton on Route 49. Robert M. Craig. 6 RADDLEH6nSES Beautiful Palomino, silver mane and tall, 7 years old, 14 'i hands, $'J50; 4-year-old registered bay mare, J150; 5-year-old 5-gaited gelding, $200; 5-year-oli sorrel gelding, flax mane and tail, 14V4 hands, $165; 1 spot, 14 hands, $185.
All broka for ladies and children. AD 9443. ()IfrlfsTnemnRd; mile E. ot Smlthyllle ltd. E.
Oglesbee. SADDLE HORSES ao nean, several spotted: 2 Palominos; one pair I'ercneron mares, 5 and 6 years old; fine bunch of riders; also saddles. Eaton west of Diiyton to Lutheran Church 4 mile south to second woods on left side of mad. Shown anv evening and all day Sunday. Shlverdecker's Supply.
2100 w'. Third. HE 3321. 'DEAD STOCK REMOVED Prompt and Clean Service DAYTON FERTILIZER Hogs, Sheep, Calves and Colts Removed Call (Reverse Charges) KE 5631 A. JANES A SON DAYTON.
OHIO Quick Service "lor Dead Stock Hogs, Sheep. Calves. Colts Removed Xenict Fertilizer. Phont 454 Xenla or Springfield 8211 P-fvrt EG.JBuchslebJne, Hay Feed Plant Seed 32 300 BALES good wheat" sit aw, 73c TTbale or a ion, i aiiMA SWJ. AlTalfa 7WMHplehursl Av.
ferw Equipment Supplies 33 CORN BINDER Ralph Martin, K. R.3, W. Alexandria. 10-7-SUPERIOR grain UrllL James Wlcal, Clyo Rd. MO 74.18.
iik uii-i, iu. opiier running Mills; portable clean-easy milkers. Jackson lin nlement 2U JC. Water SU, Troy, 3 TR ACToit.rmTrul.TH ItTTuTil valor f2 -ft. comblaes, goii spreader, good hammer-mill, disc Imfrows, culllpnikers and plows.
B. F. Shidyer, New Carlisle, 4hXt. fiNE" Guernsey cowTTJITeghornOSO White Rocks; hog feeder: wagon and hay rig; mowing machine; tractor (home msrtel, 1 trailer, 3 dlsrs, 3 plmvs, cultivator; new cow hsller, horse Waller, horse blanket; aby crib. Csrl W.
White. No, 3, I ranaun, u. ii win um na.l STORE HOURS: Open Friday and Saturday All Day IK 3-Pc. Bedroom Suites Consisting; of dresser, chest ui-sser, vilest of drawers and bed. Thoroughly 1 recondit i 0 d.
Priced as low 1. EASY TERMS -lilt isMiitiai Guaranteed "Spring-Filled" Living Room Suites See our large showing of spring-filled living room suites. Every suite is fully guaranteed. Some are used reconditioned suites. Others are custom rebuilt and re JUlll OI1U IB" no covered.
Can be( had on easy! terms. Priced as J. low as 3-Room Outfits Complete living room, bed room, kitchen of recondition- .28 ed furniture. 9x12 FELT (tjo QQ I' BASE RUG P0.a RANGES $39.00 NEW MATTRESSES fl'Q Qr; FELTED COTTON NEW GAS $24.95 I RANGES OIL HEATERS COAL HEATING $12.95 I $12.98 STOVES NEW WHITE ENAMEL KITCHEN TABLES 9x12 AXMINSTER 1 SED RUG NEvV BASE ROCKER CHILD'S NEW ffMO QC MALK SF'B GAS HEATERS iP.IJ COLE'S (TOO cn HOT BLAST HEATERS. 3 0 Easy Terms 0 0 Wonted to Buy CALL US Before You Sell Your Furniture NAGY'S AUCTION 1S09 W.
THIRD ST. HE 3323 Night Phone HE 8929 FURNITURE WANTED Highest Cash Prices for good furniture, rugs, radios, washers, refrigerators, etc. Quick service. Why take a chance selling at auction. Call us.
We Always Pay More MILLER'S-FU 1129 WE BUY Any Amount of Household Goods F. S. Long Sons FU 7671 Coal co*ke Wood si CLEAN" DRY KINDLING CLOWITST. G. H.
STEPHENS. FU 2.344, 5 TONS of Virginia lump coal at 216 N. "'rTORlDA LUMP, $7.50 Schroll Coal AD 1224 503 HOMESTEAD COAL -co*kE PROMPT DELIVERY OAKWOOD FUEL CO. DEVON AVENUE WA 1161 Pawn Loans RENTALS Rooms With Board 52 BABBITT, 206--Room and board, near bus private home. AD Will.
FIFTlC K. 3429 Room for 2, board optional, private home. nenrFlelds. NEAL, SlHR'sirn for girl, board and laundry. TA 10.35.
SALKM-GHANI) "DISTRICT Single room. board, man, also large sleeping roomJ nus at n'sir is itm. RAVENW()T)D home; private: fanv lly; refined elderly woman. TA 49.37. NICE Roo.M.J with-board, fur "men "only RA 24.11.
Day Nurseries 52o UTPKU'RIverdale: on account of kinder- gailen, i wll have 2 vacancies In private nomc; ucrnsea nursery, visa I. Rest Homes 53 homeTor "ieml- invalid, lir; VACANCY for 2 men who can partly "help memeives, invalid or semlinvalid. 22.1 Green St. Sleeping Rooms 54 AUDTTtONPK. RoorrT for couple or" "2 girls: convenient to bn.
AD 9656. AUBURN 2056 Room for employed girl; pnvale entrance. TA 15.IL BOND. 50 (Off N. Main 1 girl, twin beds, Nice larne risim tor twin beds; prlvathome.KK 24H8.
KHoAiiWAY, 310 Nil uTnTtuie, "prT- vate enlrani-e, laundry privileges; couple; per week. HE IHrJ4, 8 a. p. m. HIIOAflWAY, and Grand, comfortable iin bediimm, 3 mis, ronilmious hot water, stoker heat, Cltv and field bus, isiinnry priviirgrs, rtA viim.
BH(HIKSIDIC DR. Comfortable or i men; javatory. KA njyj. ftnOV, Nri: Mnilern, prl vale enlrsme; 2 girls. Ft! 2212.
CAfAXPATliWS Pleasant mom," 1'" Of man or coupie, dus. a sou. 5S so iLU W. FIFTH IE. i I DREXEL 2 cottages; 2 and 4-room; $2T (is), ovi ions coal included.
o-roiim bungalow; hardwooa floors; large lot. AD 7695. FU 9676. 4-ROOM cottage75 lots; electricity, wltHIn zjtiues or city limits. RA 6416.
BEAVERTOWN 3 rooms; utility, closed-ln porch, all furnished; small outbuilding! ana wen. mk ihji. NEAR SUPERHIGHWAY. S6IS 1 acre. 10x20 building as is; small pay ment, balance terms.
HE 3154. 4-ROOM house, semimodern, 2.86 acres, i mile northwest on Manning Rd Route 20, Miamisburg. Herman Adklns. "MY lo'IS SALE. Has frontage of 120 rods.
J. HOFF ONJUS 40 Lewlsburg. RIDGWOOD HEIGHTS Otterheln" to. Si room house, modern except bath, extra lot, chicken coop. ME 1724.
FhghTIew plaT 6 ronmi, 1-story; garage attached: extra lot; electricity; well, terms. HE 3154. 2frfT. CABIN andluTl-size lot in NorHv ridge, S4R5; terms, $45 down, $24.20 per month. B.
and M. 2 miles out Brandt jikeHE 0577, WA 2S04. NORTHRIDGE 8 -room modern; snft water bath, hardwood, full basem*nt, garage, large HE B691. 6-room insulated hvK-low, modern, stoker, 2-year supply.Wf coal, 1-car garage. Priced for quick sale 15,500.
TA 1301. MORERN bungalow Only 4 years old; at. tarhed 2-car garage, 4 acre: on bus line about 4 miles from city. Owner moving: possession soon. Don't dday! Price $5,200.
AD .3155 or TA 27K9. 3-BEDROOM BtJNGALOW GAS FURNACE; a well-decorated home with attic, attached garage; 10-ln. floor Joists; 75-ft. frontage. Near Beavertown; $7,500.
BJRTRAMJI. 624J NORTH LOVELY CTiUNTRY HOME 15 minutes drive to renter Dayton; 1-story, 5-room, with 10x20 enclosed sunnorrh; maple floors, pedestal lavatory, shower; laundry trays; thermostat hot air furnace. Everything you would desire In comfort; shade, 2 extra lots, race horse fence, garage: l-story barn, HE .3154, SALEM, .3735 Modern hardwood, hath, shower; large living room, wood-burning fireplace, redecorated throughout: 610 acre, large hack yard, picket fence, berries, fruit trees. Posses-sion Oct. 1.
Owner. TA 7256. SMALL house 20x22 2-story, Insulated, heater, gasoline stove, new furniture, $2, JT225. BLAKE, 2007 "Very attractive 5-room uT-trt modern bungalow. Large extra Owner occupied.
Just off Dixie highway. W. M. Brenner. AD 5166.
RA 7559. Nice Home Shiloh Excellent large 8-rnnm. semlhungatow, In tip-top condition. Adaptable for 2 families, with separate living quarters if desired: 3 living rooms with fireplaces, extra toilet and shower In basem*nt; 2-car; acre. D.
J. WOOI.ERY, REALTOR, RA 9192. DAVID H. WING OFFERS Near West Alexandria In a surrounding of fruit and shade trees, 8-room modern house. In good condition; 3 large bedrooms and halh upstairs; downstairs has nice entry room off an Inviting front porch, comfortable living room, gond-slwd dining room, convenient toilet off bedroom on first floor, well-arranged kitchen with breakfast room and butler'i panlry.
This home has water under pressure, natural gas and electricity, excel lent furnace and automatic water heater. For the use on the farm there are cooling; tanks In the milk house, chicken and hog houses, large barn with straw shed, also cement silo with new enclosed stairway; 50 acres of well-tiled, fertile, all tillable soil. The farm line lies Just 600 ft. nii of Eaton Pk. To see this property, 'IWl AD 1600 MISS HAMILTON RA 0675 Houses for Salt 78 Ardm6re; 4o brick and PRAmI DUPLEX; 8 ROOMS, MODERN; GARAGE.
REAL BARGAIN. FU 7111. ASHWOOD AV. 5-rnom modern bungalow; nreaKiast alcove, storm sain and awnings; side drive, garage. Snauffer, TA 4.3l2.Realor,J'nT, AJROg A Nf IfX 'ICN7T 20 9-roorn morTern; two 2-nHim second rionr; 5 rooms down, $90 per month; retain lower for vourself.
Sell furnished, Brenner, It A 5608, RA .3610 BEST ST.7"24-26-12-roomf Income. lower, upper vacant; prlccrt $1,200 down.JWA 11.31, KE 6437; BltOADWAY, 104 12-rnom for erdored single, AD 8471. BURNS 6 rooms, moclern except furnace, Good condition. Can be bought with small down payment. Balance as rent.
W. R. Worth, Broker. RA 7708. CORY DR.
Near Cornell, 5 rooms'. solarium. Craflex, fireplace, gum finish, hardwood all over, gas heal, softener. Large lot, new paint and roof. Garage.
Beautiful setup, RA 5608. TA CRKSTMORE, modern semi-bungalow; bedroom down Hardwood, fireplace, alcove, new roof and paint; garage. Owner leaving city. For quick sale call Brenner, RA 5608-RA .3610, DAKOTA 548 Colored; 5-room modi ern collage; garage; 4,150. KE 11.3.3.
F.DfiEWOOD, 427 7 ROOMS, BATlF Exlra lota H.E. SMOCK AD 6481 -Nice nice tita rooms, very good lob of construction, oak floors throughout, wood fireplace, allarhed garage, transportation close. Rniiriebunh. TA 4HJ1. F.Ucl*t).
semT. bungalow. Hardwood, flreplai-e. Redecorated. Master bedroom, gxi heat, 2-car, Owner moving out Kor nulck sale call Brenner.
HA 5608. RA FAIHVIEW A W.Tfi(1-608-:i2.rm:-mod"; em double; 2 car. Priced to sell. KE 1911. MHSr modern bungalnw; A-1; near business section, hui, streetcar, churches, groceries, AD 4968 FI.UIIART.
123-25 A good 10-room double; excellent romlllion; low price for nulrk snle. W. Worlh, Hrnker, RA 7708. KOIiNTAtNner Main Splendid nomei large lot; Bcn Snvder. UK V80.
CREENLAWN. g29 Beautiful I room mniern. red uranie, fU 7351. HAWKER ST. 3 houses Inls rnges: rest Investment and WILL exchange unfurnished 4-room steamlhaih upstairs.
Also 3-room rental unit ad- heated apt. and garage, lor or u-room Mouses TO Short 60 BURTON AV. Desirable room for 2 girls; home privileges. RA or TA 7748. MIDDLE-AGED man wishes man arid wife to share his nome, share expenses.
Oi Elsenhower Drjifter5p. m. MAN and wife lo share new modern home rent free In exchange for rare of 2 children. RA 8691 eves. FU 4K07 mornings SMITIfT 714Apt.
1 or 2glrls; private entrance, share kitchen, bath witn other girls, laundry facilities; bus. AD 3534. DAYTON VIEW Single party will share with 2 girls, Tr, Houses Furnished 61 SPRINGFIELD 43,30 3-room fur nished. MA4RH9. Mi DOUBLE; party'" must buy" furniture.
ME 3844, GETTYSBURG, 314--room moflern, Vt double cottage; garage; reliable couple, good references; no objection to small child; $75 per month, fnqulrt 1310 Pat-terson Rd. Houses Unfurnlihed SJ5 and tinder 42 1 room's; eieclrlclty; assoclaledjyllh coal yard. KE 4146. SflS and I I n-R(X)M, REFRIGF.ItA'i'OK FUEL FURNISHED Good school district, children welcome. $62.50 per monih MALOWNKY, 300 Founlaln Springfield Ohio.
Phone 8719! Suburban For Rent 63 i en se" house; adults onTvfnsn. wife: near 2 fields; fiirnhH. AD 3778 PRE'sTo'N AVTTRsrHlffe HeisHtrLrge 1-rooni house; furnlihedi semimodern; large lot. MB 4855. trusses, from Ihe signal corps warehouses, we are now offering It for sale at our main office.
This matenal ronsisls of approximately one-half million feet of lumber and plywood. Priced very attractive for immediate delivery. No priority needed. SHARTZER-Wrecker, Excavator i TOO Albany It, fU U7I, next door Itandard Kef liter, I rrinu ww. favls, HE.