The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

Cfot eSttTts-EcmDcrat frftnrj, -10, ri t-i 12 a aaaasaasMS CREOLE" HAIR RESTbdu. FZ TT a. 'rara -Ir Haif Dressing ar.d Restorer. doooa't handle, send SLOO to oa and or C6.PO and gret six bottles. to any part TJ.

S. or Canada. VLEET-MAJiSFlELD CHUQ fcy VIJILAY. lVKa at CO, i. A- Horse Orlean at Wksleasn MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS.

reposition, anfl It Is possible tl at he will facceed in enlisting all tb cities la the plan be It preparing. Mr Hyatt, the newly-appointed mayor of G-'nan'abaeoa. baa found, upon looking over tbe records, that the sum of was boldly stolen from tbe funds of the council, in Investigation la being made. nd it Is bellied that further imui will be found missing. Inspector General Breckinridge Inspected tfce camp of the Second Louisiana last Tuesday and was much pleased with the order of tblngs and the soldierly appearance of tbe men.

Yesterdav there was a review of the corps ouder Gen. Lee. end nls the fcs received an ovation. The regiment, with tbe band at the head, marched to the fceoond Division beadrinarters, where Gen. Lee and his staff, with several officers, were waiting.

The Second, under command of l.leut. Col. Dnfnur. marched by, and the men seemed ss thongh they were tailed together. Msnv of tbe laities present, wives of army officers, cheered tbera they marched, ard a smile brightened Gen.

Lee' face as they passed hy. Col. Wood, who Is In command of the briesde. alo received an ovation, and was warmly complimented on bis regiment, as was also Col. Ptifour.

Drills bsve been resumed by the resrl-ment every afternoon at 4 n. and after drill drees parade is held, followed bv smarrl mount. Several promotions have been made of pr'vates to noncommissioned omcers. Mlr Hiehes. who has charge of the regimental eonrt.

Is enforcing discipline and order with a firm band. Dr. Frank Chalnron. who hns become a fienre In Havana's best society circles may be promoted for his excellent ervlc In the fWnnd Reelment, minor to that effect being enrrent. Private J.

H. Msessen of Comnany bss been tfomoted to nnartermHster ser; scant. Private D. Roach of Com nan vK Las reported for duty after a brief Illness. Prire E.

Leabv Is on detached service. Private West lor of Company I bat retvrted for dnty after being- UJ for some dvs. The Havana police will have a grand parade and review on ttne I.Vh instant, when tber take chsree of the city. 1e Second Raf'niion of the Second LonMnua will sbortlv ftn out on a cross-conntrv march, as the First did There Is some talk of sennne tne rejimeui fcanta Clara for garrison doty. JOJUXE NEWS.


Rivera, for Port eO-t Bella, Livingston a ad Port Btnlc (loyal Mall Lias. Oar. steamship Yalesls. Sehinlrtt. for Hsmburg.

Gar. Cbss. F. Orthweto bona. ARRIVED YESTERDAY.

Nor. atsaablp Espana. DsnlelseB. fran; Bocas del T.m. to J.

B. Cmnwra Co. 1 dis- Brft. Historian, Valiant, from Iv-erol Jan. 21.

to Alfred LeBlaac Pie Tiec-" -Brit. steannrlp Eddystoe, TbotorooB. from Barrel. Jan. is.

Id tallest, to New Orleans Elevator Coajpany Elevator, pan. sisamsfcin Blojaou. Gnome, fron lAvor-uool Jan. l5. in ballast, to A.

K. Miller A Co. 4 til district. STEAMBOATS. St.

Jame. Comeaux. from New Bops. rover Uevelaud, Eouus. from Lowwr Coast.

NptuD. Lane, from Fort Eafls. Imperial, Cawbell. from Bayoo Sara. Florin, ixooi Si'-inirfio S.

B. EXPORTS. PORT CORTKZ VIA BELIZE. LIVING-VtOS AND PORT BARRIO-Per steamoblp BratiwiKr-'J pkgs mercbaodlse 112 oW. port to.

lard 1 bU beat 23 pkgs batter 1 boi ugar bbis meat a bbis beaua 6 bo Is ps onioo 8 crates potatues S22 bbls tJUi lit bags orx-n 1S3 sacks Soar 28 bbis pot a toe sacks braa 10 sacks eats 2 crates bam cs lard erates Dual 161 bf bbis Bour 4i caaea eaoued beat 2i or bales bay 1 tub Ian! hf bbls beans 13 bbls salt 3 bbls spilea 2ti boxes eaaillea 12 or bbls Soar 4 bf Hls beef II drama meat 27 boxes soap 11 bbls oouooa 1 horse 4 bbls meal 2 craiaa lard 4 bMa oil 31 tins of! 100 sacks salt lu earks oslons. HAMBURG. Ell. Per stesttiMkp VsJoata Ioko baics eocron 44.860 busbels wbaat (In bulk pes hswrd sravas 31 wsiaut logs 6o5 pes oak boards J2 bdls wttnnwood 804 pes eoftoo-woud bnarrts 734 pea a-am boards biS suckr Boar 300 bbls cwtoo-seed oil 1 Ui Are axtln-uUbsrs 81 rolls leetbar 62 bslcs fesrhera 224 sacks rtc poLatt 243 sacks rice braa. IMPORTS.

BOCA 8 PEL TOUO-Per stunsfelp bancbrs bananas 2 empty Iron taiika. SANTuS Per steaiMiup Cmoa 4200 bap oofise. Fn.m Ulo an Janeiro 23.0T8 bga toffee LI VBRPiloL Pr staamsbip Hlstortaa 1 balra cunoiss 181 bales burlaps 125 balsa Ueav slaa clotk 84 bales sunny cloth. RECEIPTS OF PBODCCB. By Klvor.

XEW HOPE Par siaaumr St. Jams-T bW usar tacks roua nos 6 boia pecans Ik suumis and suuoriea. LuM'Eli CwasP Par steamer Grovaf Clere Isnd fcuadrtes to order. 1-UR'l EAlai i'er slaamer Keptaae 68 sacks eyate a sod sundries. BAYOU 6AHA I'er steamer Imperial balea euttoa K7 sacks cotton ased 241 bOl aaoiassss sad ouadrtas.

ear Baal a. BprttuTBelo ft lmnbat. Aru.ta Hiyt LawrKlo Jaue 4 bakes oottoa 5uo at ayes. A nut Ri ar Henrietta SO cords wood. pearl Kivar Miuuie Otis ao.ouo ft lamosr.

Psari klyer Lilra Gray Kl.uuo ft Inutbsr. fiprinrneio Oeseutlu 22.OU0 ft Inmber. htrti nelo Eeperama 40.UUO ft lumber. IW.Tua Lacuorw KjtHle 9U0 bUa sand. Lan tUiOiv-Ualsy 150 bbls sand.

SlulsU tt. M. C. a fJ.uOft bricks Old Basis. ATntta Rreac Leyy Urua.

30 cords wood. Blind River lua k. 12.UUU pea auvea. Railroads. SOUTHERN PACIkiC COMPANY No.

1-177 bale eutuw lota bbls sugar bbla Uiu- laaaaa a tauaa anmauaea IUMJ aacka rough rat 6i4 sacks rn-a bras 1 boxes orauges 4oc sacks nur o(t cases aainmo Sou crate rami' Buaisr 2o bbia ouik cars abeat 1 car lumJier I ear u) 1 car od 14 pkgs eggs 30 boles moss lk bdls L.tles. hL.LIUi.UN PACIFIC COMPANY So. t- fTT bataa ciMtno i bales boa 1 4 para buliiua 1VM sacas auirar D04 ttHS wine 10 cases atuie Ki caaea OaoueU frill floo cmeea raialiis cOu sacks cwi(r matte 1JU sack beana 2u bales blri Si van ennrirtes. ILUNOlrl CENTRAL AND YAZOO AND ailA.Mdit't'l UaIUo ialS balas Of Hum 34.1 bbls S'upir IX bbls mwr i-Ou btua nasal vo bhls ajrlts lA bbla 24iU ix-a meat bu.ea awt bo tubs meat -Ju hols ksraa 6 tea banal bo boxes uams 3 boxes aaua 475 buiss awlea IK! boxes freab meat 4 UOis pouaiT a oases casoeo fiaaiB 9 tc taru 3 tcs rll Sin sacks dour 74 pkas butter 47 (4oo l.S boxea cuaese 35 cars corn 11 cara nun 21 cars onal 1 car Dickies 4 cars rice car aiajoka 2 csrs besos 1 car aroud 2 cars log 3 cara nmles 2 cars starcb 20 cars ahcat 7 ears bay 3 cats t-lucoa 1 car Iron 3 csrs lain ear ooultry 2 cars brick 1 enr emuty buxea 1 car auipir bottles A cars eaity banei 1 car csbiiacs cars cattle 1 car trcco thbos) 1 car sbot 9 cars onions 1 ear lard 1 cor oteat 1 oar patina; bousa products sod LoLlSVILLt AND KA8BVILLB RAIL- Kliai i Miles c-vLloa luo caaea pUt iat ears pl Iron 3 cars stooa 1 ear steel 2 car cm I i car caarcosl i cars cost car caitie car dour 1 car srood 1 car machinery 1 ir-as 1 car omms snd snndile. TtXAS AND PACIFIC RAILROAD bales cottoa (M bbls sugur 2MV bbis duur 2j0 sacks aonr SO casts beer 1 tvJ Duvtwis avwai 1 txuk molasses 2 tanks cotto-i-seed oil 1 cai Jumlair 1 car heels 10 cars staves 1 car hay mrni amidrfca.

NEW ORLEANS AND KORTH RASTERS TXAiLUOAtJ bale euttoa 1 car putaiuea 1 car 1 car aloxes 1 car beer 1 car afneulrnral luiclouiauia 2 cars co*ke 1 car huts Perfect Sol Proprietors. a.YOJi a 0O aaaasl U. H. sHA.aWI4 RED RIYER LINE. CHAS.

P. TRVSLOtr, Prcaldoat. CHAS. W. DBOW3I, SeoT aasl X.

X. t-jJgCIH '0t AND JifzlZZTZZ all way ua-liugs, teciodloa Cootey's, Water Valley aad other Old river landings Tn steamer VAUGT ((IEE5, Bs C. Rea master, Ed Paul dark. Leaves SATCRDAT, Fab. 11, st p.

ss. rRfcllaUT KATIlS. LP sriaUkaJi, ON CSrlP. LORD a McPEAKE. Agvsts, Telepboa 579.

irrtlt COAST, KATUN AA SAlUb SAM A. --WSu-skaaWBiasSaa-sata Mississippi Packet Company. 1. B. WOODS.

Preside at and Ourral Uaugar. Office 2i IT Tiiraupiroula Talepuoo Si. OK IsAlOD SAat A AND aMsasssoMaiaai all way landings oa too coast StesBier IMPERIAL Lsavso M0NDA1 snd THURSDAY p. BX. FOR XBW HOPK.

DON ALDSON VILLE, and way taadingB th auaat Steamer ST. JAMES Leave MONDAX. WBDNIMDaT and FOIDAT I a. Tbo rlgat Is teservea to ebang tbe data of dtuartuia witarast furtber notic aad t. pass Sil lauuiuxs uevuiej aasafa.

J. B. Wo His. lelephona S. W.

J. OOUE.XCX. Telepsoo iOSS. Offtca, Head of Bleuvillu Stiwt. LOWER COAST.


WEDNESDAYS and FBI-DAI'S at 11 a. for Ua Forts sad way laalingsv. PAUL P. ENACD, Agent. Office an loading.

Hesd of Conti street. jr -k NEW ORLKANS AND PORT JTTT1 Eads pssseueer packet -Steouiar JiEPTVSEi, B. udi master. Hy. 1.

Renaod elork. Making regular f-Ips to tbe Jetne. tearing TLKDAT aed THURSO A 1 sad SAJN tJRDA? at a. m. might (oived from ffe forts dnovB.


MONRO sM isB and all way lamUnga to Onaeblta and Rlaeif rlvara. Cooiey laiKilng, Old river CIT OP CiUDE. J. W. Carlton master.

M. E. Faby clerk. Leave SATURDAY. Feb.

11. at p. in. Also taking trtlght for Bayous ktoum, D'Ar-boaBa, lisrtuBlanaa. Saline, boeuf and Littl nrers.

I.OliD It, UcPEAEE. SOS Gravter stmt: STRAUSS, i-7 Tcbaapltoula strt. A gouts. O0ACHITA RIVER PACKET. 1 sua kiuNavOfc AND way laading uo Onacb.ta aod Riaok rifsro loa slsgaat aw teatuer AMERICA.

Cooley aisstsr, w. slsvk. Leave EVERY TUESDAY st 5 p. For freight or passag sppiy oa noard or to LORD A McPEAKE, u2 Grsviar straL Agents AID BEMlt Str. lVTOaS, B.

S. Leathers isaatsr. Leaves for tho Bands EVEHX WEDNESDAY at ft p. m. Str.

OTT TaTVT M'X''X'JJ, Tho. W. Campbell master. Then. Jobin ciert.

Leaves for faoy Side. EVERY SATLR-IiA at p. m. Cottoa to part Cbalmette from all Isading Sooay Slda to Vksaburg SO par balo, freta landing below 0c. Abov boat opera tad la rata rest Chalmeiis Packet Direct Coaaeotloao with tba aad Tallahatchie Klver Boata.

Tbw rlgat Is marred to paao all uoungs Ssauod uiiaafa. CMaS. W. TOWSLEY, OeaT Ageat, Cottoa irhaass hiiililiag. Talcpboo No.

LST. Ak-euts: B. STR-LSS. S7T Tcbottpttoulas IaiKO McPKARE, S02 (irarier sr. GRAND LAKR AND TlCKSDtRO.

DITCaSTATC TrUK33STATlOII COHPAaT CliAttLEo K. LEVY, traojaeat. J. V. btltiBEE, Vic Pre, aad Ooo.

Mg. O. R. HitjBEK, toci-etiry aad Trsooauvr. rr- FOR M'SaloaJPl'l aod trtbita Ssa Xowboat aad mtemmamm odel Bsrges.

atsraaaaer AL.AHM aaA Bars, Cbas. M. Jaetsoa master, Ltft Feb. 1 for QreenviU aod Beada Strasoer new ry Jara aiaaa Baa BOO, Charles Higlie Basster. Left Feb.

4 for Greenwood aad Yasoa Blvoy. Btwaauarr trciwal aaua kHarayeav F. M. Cooper Baalrr. Th rleht la reserved pas all landings deemed unsafe, kor ireigot.

ere-, appiy hoosi 2t5 Building. T-lephooe No. tl. J. EDW.


T. F. A. CRE-CENT CITT PS.CKET CO. NORUA.ii ttatllt, Prsslilant-SllaoNWtus.

botntary aad -twasnfja. e- mXfcTZj teauwr T. P. LEATHERS, n. A.

I tiaa. Blaster. T. C. SacLs.

dark. Lesves KV till BAlCRDAY at 5 p. for r.raad Lake. lc aOnrs and sil way laodiaxs. eoBDeetlug wlh Ysaeo and Tslsbatenis ilrer packets.

FKaM a. sccat. HI Oravier. Pbon 4t4. OHIO RIVER.

NEW OKt.BANS AND C1HCIN-- NATI PACK.ET COMPANY. tuk PllloSlRa. CINCINNATI. LoLlaVlLLft aad all way landings NcW Sutlli. F.

D. Norwonl tusater, b. li. Marboas Clark, Leaves FRIDAY. Feb.

at p. bv. Th it ai-kEli e.ill foi ow. J. H.


a. IUK AU. WAX UAlfLMfB. Jiim5S2 throngs to Rienzi. oounectina at laurel Valley with Capt.

Nle Foret'S stesmer C. L. Payy for oil points bo- tow as tar as tae on. STEAMER LAFOURCHE. P.

A. Charlet ussier. ouwaru -Moolle elerk. Leaves MONDAY and THURSDAY at ft p. aw a.

ail Aa nt. 832 Gravler treet. Teieyboue S4. FOB ALL LANDINGS OX But.ju Laiwurdk. liuough to UleDli.

ST CHICKASAW, J. 1. uvm uuaater. Lawaum cWrk, Leaves V. iiL.N aad SAakiUiAk.

6 p. n. LORD ft McPEAKE. itfi Gravler otroet; B. ITRAC2S, 37 lcbounltjula atreet.


S. COMPANY, LIMITED. I f. WEEKLY SERVICE FOR BB- UV1NOSTON. PUERTO s.st3a kaiikh'S saa i-l t-ttto coa- oieaia wy.

STILLWATEE Sails THURSDAY, BREAKWATER Sails THURSDAY, aiatsr Fab. J. Rirera Basts Fab. Tat freight narnaee apoly to UACHKCA Manager. No.


having sup. Zt'irAjr-" not (assa-jsor secssuioilsr'ooa axpsetod to sail a followa: HAKALD Feb. HKI.VEROV. 11 HENRY DUMOIS 17 Sl.Ip-rs will plaea obtsla aa order froo a actor wading (night to ta stssaera Fss anicht or pissag spply to SNYDER BANANA UvwBoal sad LasMkaa aad (aloo Banding your Merchant eret one bottle, CHitSGE3 PS2P.4XO UH MEMPHIS. TENN a CO.


wm, liuiip aenybaot. foot kdaaa law street, at a. m. L.ktueracs at Braao. if say.

at itak aad s-penao of cossigaaea. FOR NEW" YORK. STE4USHIP EL PASO sails from Algiers SATURDAY. Eeb. 11, aooo.

Frwlarkt imaarcsl aader sues pvl-sor ot aoaiikerm Pate Ike Cosaskaar at 15-ltMi per test taa Near korau FOR KEY WESTAND BAYANA STEAMSHIP ARANSAS. Capt. Wul Hopner. sails froni Algiers TUESDaI, Fab. 1.

Paaawuoeia la laorgaa's rsrryboat. foot of Elyotsa latds at a a. aa. No frslght tor abuv line racelved wlthowt For Information rewanuiig fretght pse. ea ajove liue.

apply to oico itwutbara llurgaa Line, cvrner Magoziae aad Naueea streets. A. a HUTXMlNSoN. Piosideut M. L.

aad T. K. at. sad J. S.

6. C. W. BE1N, Traffic Maoagar. W.

H. ASTEh. ASjistanr TrsrUe Manager. E. Stcamakrp rri(M Ageat.

K. F. B. MORSB. o.



HSAT) T.XTraX. NSW ORLEANS TO BELFAST AND DUBLIN. CARGO TAE EN at THROTifin JC? RATEo to e- 10.U point, io itoiw oam ansiass US IO tb fc nsirie. NEW ORLEANS TO BELFAST. S.

8. BAMORE HEAD kodlng' S. S. OLkNARM HEAD. Feb, load eg S.


MALIN HEAD Feb. loading G. HKVS A SONS. Belfast. traUad.



S. 8. BRITANNIA. tsM half Jaa. Brat half Feb.

loa drav S. S. KENTTCKT Feb. loading Tbroeeb b'lla of lading aigaed ta ail pmnra Io Deamark. Norway.

Sweden. I Inland. Garmaxy aad BoaalaB Baltic. LINE. NEW ORLEANS TO GENOA.

S. S. CITT A DI MEDINA January loading S. MARSTONMOOR Fb. 4oadlrag Through bills of Isdiag to all aoiata la Moditerraoeaa and AdiUtte.

Meinternnsaii and Kef Yort S. S. UJ. NEW ORLEANS TO TRIESTE saS VENICE. S.

S. GLF.NMORVEN Fabroary Inadinr S. 8. A LA LA Marob loading CHA. F.


Jsaoary koadiug 8. H1SPA.MA.. 'braary loading Tkroocb hills of lading to I point la Gar-isay. Rossis and Scandinavia Texas Trass, aad Teratsal Co. Af ests JOINT SERVICE.

Texas Traaosor4 Steaaaabloi Ua aad Galf Porta Stea.bis Llao. GALVESTON TO UAklBL UO. f. S. LOCH YAY Fsb.



from wharf, foot of Toulon otroat Frelgbt lasand aaUar epea policy mi Crosa-wall snsnssnlp Comaaa at U-1W par osal to-New Vurk. 1 Through rate and MTfa of lading glvao at all New Eaglaod sod fonign port. liNSVKPASSKD ACCOM3SODATIOSS. Fr traight ar passage apply to ALa.lL HahRIS. Agoat, SIS Caroodelsa etrt.

DIRECT PASSCHGIS SERVICE TO UVIRt0CLRE3UCE3 RATES. West ladla aad Paelfla Ittjaikls CoaaiHiBy'B Stall Stcasacaa. Th followl-g steamers an zpetd lv about the foiaowmg osisa: sat FEB. 14 wiTi sail abwaf FtS. 14 sail sooit KfcS.

ll BARBAl'IAN will aaU asoat FEU. 1 kuigia Uip, Sbd; totaaa by suset staauMT. Si.m. uriaaos to Lavarpoot mitU raiuia by way of tb It eat latue. opaouaa kiaaa Bad kisxico.

with stop-over yiiviiegea avsitaulo ssv six uaauus, M. i. aaMilsila, Cottoa sacks Bga BtuUllBsj AMERICAS LINE. Fast EastroBO Sorvloo. HZW YoaUi MMJittAalPloN LONDON, baiting wkU.MWal al is a a 8L Paul Fob.

23 St. St. Loui 1 St. paal 5 St, liarcu 1J l'a1 tt hauu 'liaAs LI VE. NfcT YORK ANTAtKP.

Every WbONoiuAl at ill asoa 13 Frieolaad Noorulaud reu. work. 8 1 be steamer carry oly Eacood sou 'xaard Class uaTseosers at low rates INTfeaNAiluNAL NAVIGATION Ptora 14 aod 15 Nortk Alvar. Ofllc BawLog Ureea. Nsw York.

r. J. OUFILA. Na 213 Caroadclot A. K.

MILLER a CO- 303 Caroudeiat st. lrREWcff i.i at lirtElULE TnA-ISATUsTTWl D1REOT LINB 10 At RG PARIS (FktAACa) SailiBg aa follow at 10 a. bx, rron PMr No. 42. Nru Uvar.

foot Mortoa" St. to Cbaaipaga 11 La Norssaodl 4 La Bretagoav la, La Cbaoipogii 11 la Tonra.u ib lrh first-siass pasoag ta Hara. sob so upward. Goaaral Asaoey for L. a aud atu.l-tag trfwen.


WEEKLY SERVICE. FOR PUERTO BARRIOS. Llviagsroo aad Paorto Con as nlffb ROVFR. Vila WEDNESDAY. Fob.

15. st IS a. av prolgbt tocolved FEB. 13 aod M. S.

OTERI. 4U3 Soath Froot sua at. Atlaatio sad Mezloaa Galf S. 8. Co.

U. A AND MEXICAN MAIL SfltARaaat 'MB MEXICAN PORIS Faaarascr str. tikiah. rrsra ro rrcgreao, sauiog in. win i with all I JCataa railway.

fma Moblla to Vers Ctoa. CMBtsaeoaicii and Taapleo, sstl) a tb. coo. acting wltb an Maxiesa railwoya Vao ttswgat aaa pssasco a miy M. H.

KINO. Goooeal Afoot, aa k. Mlrwsal i jaVsaAasdr JiVaLaLa Soldi la (tsmshlp Olenana Head, Tbompsoa.sld Feb. Steonastua Lady "MlhAA. Steamship Loch Tay.

J8B- meao-tuij l-u'iticraa. Brow tuZZm Jan. 21 kUllh. JA1A.V Ship at. faaJ.

aid StK- 8 GLASGOW. EtaaaMhlp CoUsgiaa. Owen Jaa. a OPOKIO. Bark Axnea.

Sabrlnbo Jaa. ao Ptesmsblp Vlenns. Uet.i. jiSfiS Steamship La Croma, IVUW. v.

a a a i s. I i Tnut USBON. Bark Berths BtcamsLtp Asiu SteipAkaho.n.- aid Dec 21 Jaa 23 aid Jan. Jn ptesmsi jroiitie Feb. 1 Kteamanip aiaim Steamship Glecans Head, Tbompson.sid ten.

TABLB MAX. Bk TJgj-. Steamlp KordO, Bark rioleta. Ferrtera Dec. 2 Bteamsblp Vectla.

Diver. "Jfek. i F.ST HARTLEPOOU Steamship Beaesbnoa Jan. 23 Staamsbip Montenesro aid jaa. as r.RANGEMOLTH.

Steamship Flniaad. Jsa. Zi Steamship Norrlfsrer. sld Jan. MllILKSI10KOLGH.

Steamship Goraeroo.c. i 8T. MICHAELS. Stcamsuip Latona. Peb.

4 ST. VLNCENT. C. BET. Steamship Kdille.

Johns' re n. 1 8teamship Farknte. Hnnter sld Jan. a ST. HELENA.

Ship Bt. Paul, Treat pssd Jan. IS List of Vessels la Port. 8itAiisu.a. Name.

liviiiiuii'io. oration Asbatui uist, Akaba Bremen. cuts 01 Messins. street Barcelona Dlst. ol Oonlovs 4tb Uisi.

41 i'ediliniton Bayonoe. iJI Hbso New ork. Algiers r.soiioa. uei unt. Bristol flaVKM'l c'uaoaU Ilamusioad Bremen and Swansea ifth street Harald Dlat, 16 iistoriau Havre tVestweaio Iniaol Hut, 0 Knickerbocker.

2d Dial, w'. Mercedes auu Hull eouiupon Nicato Uist. 44 I'uoenix street tlamuie Bel fast boutUputt KioJano Uve.ioi ana jjiai S. Oteri. Uist.

15 Htart cnaimeii vxraie Wanderer Honduras Bd Uist. So A'iudaua- iu)lt: MIll'S. Koasls. Dlst. 45 2d Dist, 7 Nlnib st Fifth si IIAKIVS.

Bonney Frieda ltusnln. Maria ana v. Carrie A. North of Hatteraa.2d 1 Hiaa. A.

am-'Wiell. en- ion M.i tor Dlat, 2t 6nnioOterl ljirt 1.I. 1- Aiicla B. Crosby. North ot i.i, THE AlVER.

River Bulletlat. 0. 8. Department of Agricultars, Luaialana atauun. New Orlsana, leo.

io-ft. Beadlnsa Bade at 8 a. 75th meridian time. jtans full Dancer atatfe. iiua.

Height, CbAnire, Stations feeu leet. teet. rtso. tall ot. Paul 14 uireuport 19 15 ot.

LMUiS 2 7.4 B.W O.t 44 43 15.8 Z.O uemphia 82 S3 14.3 0.3 0.. 43 42 22.8 i.0 tlcaaourf 44 45 84. 0 0 1-. S4.3 0.0 ed aivarLdg 5.5 0.0 ew Orleans it u.w v.v SI 8o. 0.0 0.: Omaha Id aaiaaaa 21 6.0 cv.isuurg au s.s u.v i liiariunaU 45 5 38.7 14 0.

uralsvitle 28 14. 1.4 O.t 40 8v. 2.4 O.i Chattanooga 33 33 3s. 2 l.T 0.1 curt 2 3.1 O.O O. Utile 23 27 4.T 0.0 O.t 20 28 4.S 0.0 O.i 21 29 8.0 0.0 O.t Alexandria 32 S3 12.0 0.0 0..

20 39 Pi. 7 0.0 0.. 40 32.0 0.0 O.i 'River frozen. RIVER FORECAST. Tbe Mississippi river will tall slowly beloa Vlcksburf and at Bayou Sara.

Tbe Bed rive tbeww febreveport) will all aauwlj. Xbc unachlta rtvor will toll olowly. Arrivals. Be marine column. Departures Yesterday.

Neptune, Natchez, Imperial. Advertised tay Lasave To-Day. For Lower Coast Grover Cleveland. Kouus. 11 a.

m. For Bayou Lafourche Lafourche, Char-let. 12 m. For Ohio Elver New South, Norwood, p. in.

Advertised to Leave Satarday. For Port Fads Neptune. Lanne. 8 a. Kor New Hope St- James.

Cooieaux, 12 For Bayou Dinid. 5 b. m. Lafourche Chickasaw, jrir lied Klver Valley Queen, Bea, 5 p. m.

For Vicksbnrg and Bends T. Ittifc-A rt Tn P. For Camden City of Camden. Carlton. 5 n.

m. For Sunny Side Chalmetto, Campbell, 6 p. in. Wharf Whisperings. It was not as lively as usual on the levee yesterday, and none of the departing packets were lllterallr Datroniaed.

The regular tri-weekly packet Grover t. leveiano, t. aouns master, James M. Salvant clerk, departs, as usual, at 11 a m. to-day from the head of Conti street for ail points on tbe lower coast as far as tae lorts.

The snleijfllit stjasmer T.afaneh Cant P. A. Charlet tn command, Edw. Nicoile purser, detained by bad weather and scarcity of labor, was expected last nieht. and will leave again at noon to-day for an landings on Bayou Lafourche connecting at Laurel Valley with Capt.

Nic Ford's steamer. C. L. Pavy for all points below as far as (he Cut-off. The Memphis New Orleans and Cincinnati Packet Company's fine passenger steamer New Soma.

F. D. Norwood master, E. H. Matthews purser, will arrive at an early bour this morning and leave this evening at 5 o'clock for Cincinnati and Intermediate points taking freight fur Pittsburg to be revhipped at Cincinnati.

The Mississippi Packet Company's ateainer St. James arrived with a fairly good trip, and will lay over until tomorrow, when she leaves for New Hope. This arrangement has been made to accommodate the patrons of the line, who Intend coming to the Carnival. Tbe boat will arrive Sunday night, which will permit her passengers to view all tbe parades. The Red River Line steamer Valley Queen will commence receiving at the upper wharf to-day.

snd will leave tomorrow for Sbxeveport kiid all way iaud- luSs- The steamer Chslmette, operated In the Interest of Port Cbalmette, will arrive in time to leave to-morrow for Suunyslde, and the bends, taking Yazoo and Tallahatchie river freight, to be re-shipped at Vlcksburg. The Crescent City Packet Company's steamer T. P. Leathers is receiving to leave to-morrow for Vicksbnrg and the bends taking Yazoo and Tall.thutcute river freight, which will be resblpped at Vlcksburg. Capt.

J. W. Carlton's steamer. City of Camden, passed Monroe with lOW biles of cotton, and wl'I arrive In time to leave to-morrow for all landings on Ouachita and Black rivers as bieb as Camden. The steamer arren.

unavoidably detained, arrived last night, and will not leave this week, but will be replaced by the steamer J. K. Trnrtean. wbl-a will leave on Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 5 p.

the'm wlrhln mana either the river route or tbe viaduct way may be amended to make It acceptable. Clerk Driscoll has sent out notices to all interested to at (end tne uiee.iug. Tbe same will act Jointly with the tire and ligiuiug committee on the Story ordinance to require street car companies to place trol ley wires in conduits. A CONDEMNED BUILDING. City Engineer Bell and Chief Clerk Davis ot tbe Department of Public Works had a conference with the Mayor last eveninir witb n-na rd to the occtiuancy of the building at the western corner of tL Charles aud i'oydras streets.

Mr. Ben atsied to tne Mayor mat wnen Mr. L. W. lirown was the ci.y engineer that structure was condemned, and be himself had condemned It.

Recently repairs were being made, and yesterday bo had instructed the police to order the work stopped. The building was owned by Mr. L. C. Heddeo.

and was occupied by a Mr. Fierce as a barroom. No permit had been asked from i be citr -enu'lneer's ofhee to make the alterations, but when the work was ordered stopped a permit was applied for. and refused in view of the fact that the structure had been con demned. Mr.

Beii said further that he wanted the building demolished, aud desired tbe Mayor to have the Commissioner of Public Works to attend to tho demolition. Mayor Flower sccordlngly Instructed Mr. Davis to have the structure taken down at once, and Mr. Davis proceeded to give the necessary orders. The corner was previously occupied by a barroom, but was closed for a while.

It bad not lost its identity as a barroom, so that the new occupant bad no need to apply to the Council for a permit to re-upen. It was only necessary to secure a license and open. The occupant of the place says he has gone to the expense of putting in several hundred dollars worth of stock and fixture and finds himself in a pretty bad way. Sir. Ken said after the building was taken down the owner could put up a temporary galvanized Iron or other fire Pfoof arrangement to do service during the Carnival, if that was tbe purpose of hurrying along the occupancy of the place.

FOHT ITEMS. Wit Lata Marine iBtelllsraaea. SHIPMENTS OF COTTON. Vessels loading cottoa for torslm and aut. wise ports received on Thursday S112 bales, transit and city pressed.

PASSED THE KING'S FLEET. Ths steamship El Faao of the Morgan Une. Capt, J. A. Gardner, from New York, eoo-slgned to the Soothera Pacific Company with a general cargo, crossed the bar 2 p.

m. Wednesday and arrived at midnight at Algiers dock. Capt. Gardner reports sailing from fork Feb. bad light southorij winds and fog to Hatteraa thence strong southwest winds and squally weather to Florida with Sna weather around the reefs, snd when distant 2o miles from Passes took a hard aortner with very cold nattier.

Oa Feb. 8, fifteen miles west of Sand Key Ligbt exchanged signs Is with th steamship El Monte, and on th Sib Wbsn sixty-ttvc aula southeast from South Pas with, th Chalmatte. both vessels of company's line (ron New Orleans for New lork. Capt. -Oartuer also reports when seventy-fly miles northwest of Tortugas passed th Rex F.eet,.

liis Majesty's batueoaip convoyed by six Ciuiaeis, the bugabln siiuueti tuat a iarrfe ouniuer of searaea aud marines In tba neat were couuned to their buuts witb tbe gi.p, and a lequest foe one barrel wbisxey aod several of quinine was promptly stveued to, a otoaa-eottor Irons th bagauip eunuug a.ur.gsioe. Sevare atonna bad been experienced by th neat wruis route from tbe Mediterranean, and tbe run from Gibraltar bad bee a made tn eighteen oats, a fair one, and beet will be due at Port Bads on Sundag mo ruing, making run up Gulf uuoer spaed order to reach port at agreed Urn. GRAIN FOR FRANCE. The Bfltlrt- steamship Deddington, 1344 tons net. Cspt.

Thouisa to Hans, tmm Teoertffa, Canary is.asas. consigned to Gorge W. Kei.ey, arriving as before reported at VVsatwego, fias been chartered to load a full cargo of wheat for Franc. Capt, Rank report sailing from Tenerine Jan. IS, experienced tavoo ab, weather with thick fog off passes.

EXPERIENCED A HEaVI NOKXHWEST GAkJfi. The Norwegian steamship Espana, Capt. A. Danlelsen, from Bucas del Toro, consigned to J. B.

Camors A wlta a cargo of bananas, crosaed bar 4 p. m. Wednesday and arrivea a. m. Thursday at tba Illinois Central Railroad dock.

Capt. Danlelsoo reports Baling from Bncss del Toro Feb. bad Une westber with llf-bt southwest winds to latitude XI Bond, iberjce a heavy northwest gale with ooow, fog and high cross sess. lasting to latitude 2S-3o north, tbenc moderating westber. HIE BIO CARRIER HISToRMIf ARRIVES FROM UVfcuPtXlL.

The British Hsrrisoa Une steamship Historian, 44A4 tons Bet. Capt. Jamea Valiant, ele-bteen day from I4.pool witb 1200 tons general cargo eonelgoe-tl to Alfred Le Blanc, detained by stormy westber oa passag. crossed bar Wednesday evening snd Brrivlng st Point same nlrot docksd at tba Picayune Tier 7 a. tn.

Tbarsday to discharge and load for Uverpnot. Capt. Valiant reports sailing from Liverpool Jan. 21. bsd strong westerly winds nd sales with high seas till Hearing Bermuda, tbenee moderate and One weather to tbe Gulf if Mexico, tbenc encouiiteted a strong norther wltb hesd seas and very cold weather.

On Jsn. 81 In latitude SI sorth. Km rt rude 81 west, spoke British steanwnip Oollingweod for New Orleans, snd off Key West psssed British atesmship Calrnerslg bound west. Tbe Hlstor an brongtt stowaway John Holme, sged hlrteen years. English, wbo will be returned to Engls'ml; slso Wi'Ilsm Fesry.

aged thirty years, who was permitted to land, SAILED. The following sti-ameblpa bsve sailed: Bresk-wster for n-llxe snd o-sst. Clinton for Hsvsns R-v esT. DnuBgnrtb for Aarbuus and Copenhagen via Ncw-iwt New. aud Franklin f.r Cssilds.

tuba. COFFEE FROM BRAZH. The French steamship Cordoba, M05 tons net Csiit. P. Bermer.

from Santo vl Rio 4 Janeiro, Bra-sil. c-jinlgne-l to V. Vnar! fc Co. witb a cargo ot coffee, arrived at tne head of St. Mary street Tbavdsv nooo and will brad out for Hsvre.

Cspt. Rernler reports aillD-r from Sant.j Jau. 11 sml Kio de Jnu-o Isn. exi-eriem-ed moderste weather io the Vt'antle and a strong northwest gal I the Oulf of Mexico. SAILS FOR HONDURAS AND GUATEMALA PORTS.

Tbe Royal Mall Lin st-snsblp Capt. L. Rlvam. ssliiug Ttmrsrisy forsoooa Wise. Livingston, Port Barri.

and For rt witb a lary- assorted car-iw. cerHed oa he following cahU MMlroclt Hiirsses. Mother M. Crsuls. Slsr M.

Franels. 'ster Tehroonie. Elisabeth A Billino. laHds Evsen. HesseUa De Ijsoo, and two la tbe steerage.

PAISFTLLY BtRXED. At 4 O'clock Thursday evening Miss Mamie Alwander. aged eighteen years. hanUcebw7nt clan. Her Injuries are not serious.

ARRESTED FO STEALING. rng'bosnaJbed P. corner of Blenvine Detective Ruiney and BrrneatJ i ne being arraigned oe.o- BUeWef tke" gjondee Otero. A Wfir on milk trusts bas broken est to New Haven. STEAJIBOATS vrCBtFALaTA.

OLD RIVER AND iu MELVILLE, bIMltSPORT wj' and way lauumgs oa tus Auks MMxainalai faiaya and Muaissipvl riyr. laaiiic ttelsht Bayou des Ula.a. ta-dvlixued in bayou oa leturn of boat lrom Mal- vuia titeanier J. E. TRCDEAC, A Trousiie aiier.

fcii. wuatrevntrs etey 'Loavos fcVEH? WEDNESDAY st i p. m. U. VltATBEVACX.

Ageot. 2S Orsrlu atrsst. and continue as rular sreekly packet thereafter. The HitbrhotMe nteamer Joseph Henry, Capt. Cooke In command arrived yesterday, and will remain nntll after the Carnival.

She will take part In the Kex reception on Mondav. and will he the nag-ablp of the King of the Carnival. The Red River Line ateamcr w. T. Scovell left Cloutiervllle at 6 p.

m. yesterday with a load of cotton and cotton The Memphis, Sew Orleans and Cincinnati Packet Company's steamer John i a. Speed, with a happy crowd of Mnrdi uraa excursionists aboard, passed Memphis ye-terday. and will arrive either bunday nicl*t or Monday morning. The steamer Lafourche will leave hi bo-da ux feunduy morning, to accommortate the resident In that locality who intend coming to the city to participate In the Carnival festivities.

She will arrive Son-dav niirht, Capt. Charlet has fixed a nominal rate of fare for the round trip. c*nt. J. J.

Uodd a steamer brrkasaw will nrrive In time to leave asaln to-morrow for all landings on Bayou Lafourche Rienzl. Henryl E. Archer of Farmersvllle, who has had seven years' vporien, was granted a license as first assistant engineer on river steamers. Joseph D. Banks of Oreenwood, who bus been on steamers running in that se-cilon for four years, was granted a license as special pilot on Yazoo river and tributaries.

Theodore Colaon was given a license as second mate on ocean steamers, Edward J. Albert, who formerly held a license as mate, was granted a renewal under the new law. Joseph L. Covert, for etshteen year employed In th engineers" department of a number of steamers, was given a license yesterday as second assistant engineer of ocean steamers. The Cincinnati Commercial Tritium savs: "Major Blxby has received In formation that Commander Force of the Cnited States Navy has been appointed lighthouse Inspector of tbe fourteenth uhitrlct, and will be here in a few daye to relieve Major Bixby of the duties oi that position.

The news, of Commander ForrVs coming here Is pleasing to Majot Bilbv. who has been fllliDg the position lighthouse inspector since the begin nlng of the Spanish war. In addition to bin duties as I nited States engineer Ik charge of the Improvements of the Ohio river. Commander Force will report for duty here In a few days. Commander H.

Bicktieil. U. 8. N-. was the last light bouse Inspector here, and was put It charge of a collier steamer la the- oavj li riiTg the late mar." The Pittsburg Press says: "The gorge at Free port broke with seven feet of water behind It.

Where, this came from the officials of the Weather Bureau want know, as there was only a rise of torn feet reported and do snow en tbe moun ains. When the report came that tbe Youghlogheny and Monongahela were put ing oni the wharflioat proprietors madt everything snug and very little damage will be done io tbe harbor. The stage was 8 feet end rllag at tbe rate of Inches an hour. The ice In the Youghlogheny river, between McKeesport and Boston, went out with a rush, doing ronch damage. About noon tbe river began tn rise rapidly, and at 8 o'clock, without an warning, ibe ice broke up.

It began to move, slowly nt first, and then moved rapidly down the river, carrying every- blag before It. The piles around the piers of the railroad bridge at McKeea ort were ground off. and the framework was carried away. Two loaded coalflat-ind seven empties, owned by Kelly A nay, two flats loaded with sand and slack and several empties, owned by John Ser na and a pumpine boat and sev ral empty and loEded barges, owned by W. H.

Brown Son of lioston, were wept down the river by the floe. The teaniboKt Acorn was seDt down the river after the craft, but was unable atrn any of tbera. It Is feared that nnch damage was done, but none, except in the cases mentioned, has been report Wednesday's Memphis Scimitar savs: The following is a list of snRis de troved by tbe Dnited States snagboat H. Wright, CapL James Taylor In com- nana, net ween Cairo and Alempbis: 1 al 'tessie Landing, 1 at La Forge's, 3 ni Vvenr-e Landing. 1 at Reel foot 1 at Hath- way's, 1 at Cartithersville.

7 at Bell' 2 at Trier. 17 at Island 21. nt le Point, 1 at Rucker'a Point, 13 at Island 26. 2 at Asbport. I at Lookout, 8 i i.uxora, i ir ruiton, at Hatchle Iver.

13 at Morgan's Point. 1 at Idaho. 2 -Brandy wine, 8 In chute of Island 40: ota I 02. Also cut 3550 trees on ravins- tanks." River Te-learraana. Special to The Times-Democrat.

BAYOO SARA, Feb Klver 23 feet and falling, a tall of .6 in tbe pa at tweaty-fuoi ours. Departed down; boutb at a. T. P. Leathers at 3:13 p.

Chalnietle p. as. No boats op to-day. Special to Tbe Time-Democrat ALEXANDRIA. Fab.

7. Tbe government 4sue tuis evening reaiaters 11 feet abuv seu. he river baring tallen .6 of a fuot la tbe past wenty-four hours. Westber cloudy and cold, vltb sleet falling. NATCHEZ.

Feb. River 35.64 feet, a fall jf 1 foot is tbe past twenty-tuur hours. down: Cbaluiette, Leathers au.1 New jouth. No 1km ta up. Weatner continues ex- coin ana ctwtray.

Vii KSBUllti. Feb. W. Tbe river fell 1.4 foot in tbe tweoty-rnur hours eDdlug at 6 p. a 1th 34.2 on tbe gauge, Weatber cold, wttL snow (allinir at ttark.

Tbe Uuckeye State passed up at 10 a. m. Tbe Aania Laurie cleared for Oreeovllle at 2 p. m. UKr K.WlLLt.

fe'eu. v. Tbe gaum reada M. 1" a ml falliug. Tbe United blain MWt jased dowa at p.

m. the IKey due down. Snowing at ecluca -bis eyeoiiii. MB-Mi'tlis. Feb.

9. Tbe river here atsnde 14.3 leet on tbe gauge, a rise of .3 in tbe laai wenty-four houis. Tbe Jobn K. Speed, lrom v-iuciunaU wltb her great Mar ill aims excursion, passed ciowb at 1 a. bouud for Ne-Orleans.

The Dewey departed st 3 p. m. foi icksburg with a food trip. The new stesmei wity of Ure-awoou. receutly built at Jener-aunvtlla, arrived tbla evening.

Sbs will dis-uarjre lot of frelsht here and have In the utoTQing for tbe Yaaoo rlier. Kate Adaim-jrriveu th.a eventiig from Arkauaas City with 20 tales or cottoa and lays over until next Jnnday on account of bad weather and ice in river. The Jim Wood, with ber two mui cual barges, has laid up at tiopaneld Point ou dit-ouut of Boating ice Io tbe river Tbe AUsse tlrovvn srrived tbis luoroins from New Orleau. itb tow of empty barges, and will lay here tor several days to patch boilers CAIKO, Feb. klver 2B.7 feat a rise 1 f.2.

Weather ccid and domly: mercury llo aero all day. Navigation in all directions sus peuowl ea aei-ouui of Ice. Ueavy ioa wuiia-uut of the Oiiio has made It aeveasary to tak'r th Cairo wbarfboat to East Cairo the first time tuls bad to I done tenty-'nve veara the line of Cairo and klamplits packets ba sospended business ou account of le whlcu lu.uis in lucr risr. BT. LOUIS, Feb.

7.4 feat and rinng ramdiy, due to gorgea that have formed below fcere. No boslDea. Riyer frozen c7ei, across to the Illinois shore to-da and wazna and persons crossed oa Ice In safety, lea Vary ttairx and believed It will but for several dVa" Char aud very cold. Lot inviLLK. Feb 9.

River oa a stand- In the canal 14 teet inebes. so tbe falls feei Inch, below foot of tbe locks 37 feet i Inebea. Weather clear sod cold, business aood The Stinanine to Memphis, Big Kanaal.a t.i Carrollton. E. G.

Kayos to F.ysnsvtlle ssd Boa toca to Cincinnati were tbe departures CINCINNATI. Keb. 9. Elver jg fw 1 Inch, a fall of 5 Inches siBce last ninht and fall of 3 Indies since morning, liutiueos fair Westber clear sod colder; uiercury a below seso. There were to arrivals1 sad twa ae-pa rt ars.

PI1TSCCRC. Feb. Local river boain baat been pacing throurb a nip and tuclt sort of exiatence the past month or two. Hiiru wster, low water, hlgb wind snd Ice hay been taking turns at raisins and lowering the hopes of the boatmen, after tne suaoena oa of last week seemed to oe on a fair way to regaining Its normal state, but tbe last of ti fleet rad scarcely got under way aod bie tl.i packet bad not finished its flrft trip out a 4ild blast came sloog. The Monougab'lii vas fntzen over at many points aluve lock So.

1 t-dny. The river marka to-aigbt at the data alow 5 6 feet sod ststinasry. with tbe trpou frjaen thick, and so much snow' snd lee in su-rrnuding tills anJ mountains sifjation wiil be exceediulgy danaemus in erent a sudden rise in teniiivrature. T. ere was practically no boating at all to-day.

Hany of the towhoats on their way South were cum pelled to ran ssbora snd tie up. Others were not so fortunate. MONEY FOK A SISTER. Superintendent Caster yesterday received a letter from Mrs. Annie Johnson of Inquiring of the whereabouts of ber sister, JWamie Johnson, who worked for a lady on St.

Charles street about twelve jeers ago and subeequent-lv nmrried a man named Evans. Tbe family has lust come In possession of a small fortune, snd tbe sister Is entitled to half of it. It cannot be divided until the missing slater is found. REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS. Hotlooi Awthortslna- tha Mayar ta Veto Any Acta of the Board Not Meetlagr With His Approval, Voted Down Condemned Balld-laora Demolished.

The Board of Fire Commissioners met at 7:30 o'clock last evening. President Barker presiding and Commissioner. Cooney, Melsrer, Fltzpatrick. Peterson. Sullivan, iltSuane, Murphy and Fischer present.

Chief O'Connor filed charges against Duncan Webb, plpeman of engine torn pany No. 2, alleging neglect of duty, and against Charles Burke, engineer of engine company No. 26. for a like offense. John Delatt filed an application for re Insiatement in the department, which was referred to the committee on civil service.

He had been dismissed tor desertion, but claims that lie waa confined to his borne by Illness. Th president noticed the board that be had received and accepted tbe teslg nation of E. B. Cuevalley. driver of engine company No.

5. The president's action received the approval of the boajd. The action of Chief O'Connor in lending to Commissioner McOary. at the latter', request, 6u0 feet of old hose to be nsed In cleaning the st recta of the city for the Carnival, was approved. Chief O'Connor also reported the removal of th brick wells at the toiersec ilon of St, Charles and Common streets and Chartres snd Bienville streets by the dlsoa company, who replaced them with doable ore plugs.

Ibis act was also sp proved. Messrs. Cooney, Fitipatrlck snd Snlli van were appointed a committee to InveS igate an alleged case of Incendiarism. Mr. Cooney moved to make the Whitney National and the Hibernla Nat.ona.

oanks the legaL depositor lea of the bojd. To this Mr. Fischer objected, statin, that saw no reason whatever for aaj cuuuge from the New Orleans National and the Caual banks. The motion, however, was put and adopted, making tne WliKney National bank aud the Uibernls NaUonal Bank the depositories of tiie board. Tcere was some discussion over the adoption of revised set of rules, Mr.

Aleiater suggesatg that copies be fur-uisbed the uiuereut members of the coin uiutec for more careful and Inielligeu. consideration, and that action on them ue iiostponed onill another meeting. Mr. rischer could see no reason for a revision of tbe rules aa already lu operation. Mr.

Fitzpa trick suggested, however. hat a special meeting of the board b-ueld to take up and pass upon tbe rules jnd that In tbe uieantiiue copies be fur uinhed tho members in order that tbe. could be the more intelligently conaid-ered. This suggestion preva.led. aud oa luo.ion of Mr.

builivaa Thursd.iy. the 16.h instant, was fixed upon as the lime foi special meeting. On motion of Mr. Bulllran. Chief Con uor was Instructed to designs an en srine, men and bose, to be worked node, tbe suuervision of the Department Public WoikB, in keeping the streets clean during Mardl Gras.

A motion was adopted reinstating M. J. Drady to service in the depanmen pending bis trial on a charge of Intoxlca "Attorney Wlckilfta appeared before the board In the Interest of the wife and two little chlldren.of E. Chevalley. drixer of engine No.

6. Mr. Wlckliffe tated that octore his resiguatiou tro- he department Chevalley abandoned hie family, leaving theta wholly for and utterly helpless, buit waa Ins.ltut ed sgainst Chevalley. the court condemn lug him to pay over to hla family one-u I of tho salary earned by him from the de partuient every mouth, which would the woman and ber two ch ldreu tbe snro of SSO per month. Cbevalley however, disregarded tbe Judgment of th.

court, aud In order to evade the mandat. uf tbe law resigned from the departmen and left the city. it was siiowb that there was still due ilbevalley SIS, and on niotKra of Mr. Iltx Patrick this amount was ordered paio over to the wife and children, the boani is individuals to sustain the secretary in carrying out this ai t. Just previous to adjournment Mr.

Mels er Introduced a motion directing the eec retary henceforth. In accoruance with lis, to submit to tho Mayor all resolu-Ions and other acts of the board for hlr ipprovaL they giving him authority to feto any act of tbe board which should happen to meet wltb his opoosltion. Mesars. Sullivan. McShane and Coone tbe motion as an nnwar ranted reflection upon the president ot he board, and suggested that It be re-urn ctl to the Introducer without action dj board.

Mr. Meister denied that any reflectlor upon the president or the board was in ended, and afteT some talk alwut "bar lionizing" and "failing to harmonize. Mr. Meister withdrew bis motion. The following report was read by Chief O'Connor, ana the various 'recommends Uous contained therein were approved: "New Orleans.

Feb. lSatt. To the Hon. President sad Members Board ot Fire Commissioners; "Gentlemen 1 herewith respectfully submit the following report for the month ending Jan. SI.

18SW: "The department responded to 85 actna' fires. 8 unnecessarv alarms and 1 fal tlarm. making a total of at alarms for the mouth, as follows: Fust Fire District Alarms Bell 13 still 2. automatic 1. telephone 3, gene's total 21.

Estimated loss ia.itS7. Amount of insurance involved "Second Fire District Alarms Bell 1 7. automatic 1. telephone 2, genera' I total 21.

Estimated los 3I.JW0 Amount of Insurance involved "Third Fire District Alarms Bell still 4. telephone total 14. Estlmntert loss StW'JU. Amount of insurance Involved $57.01 "Fourth Fire District Alarms Bell 4: total 4. Estimated Amount ot Insurance Involved S17H0.

"Fifth Fire District Alarms Bell 3 still total 4. Estimated loss $170. Amount ot insurance involved $1475. "With a total loss for the Tnonth of B.rV-2 and amount of Insurance involved "1 respectfully submit letter from Hon W. L.

Mctiary, requesting The use of Mt feet of hose for street cleaning. "Also letter with sketch from People' Telephone Company. "I beg to submit for your approval a sketch for fire well which can be substi tuted for tbe largo brick wells tbt are at present In the wit of the conduits and orainage pines being laid. Already in two instances fire hydrants have been snbstl toted for wells removed, and as the wells are of greater utllltv In every respect than hydrants, particularly In the commercial district, where larire streams ot water are essential. 1 designed the c.t oi en ta ouestinn.

ana arrr consults 'loa with City Engineer A. C. P.eil. whe approve same, lie kindly furnished the sketch. "By direction of committee No.

3. I have tranpferred Llent. Foreet rrom En gine Company No. to Engine 'ompn No. 14.

and riperaan F. Marers from En jCompsny 14 to Engine Company "'I have collected tbe following amounts and turned same over to the secretary p- Relllv. sale of old sacks. 0: from Krewe of Nereus. detail of six men st bail.

$18: from Elves of Ohe ron. detail of three men at ball. JJ. Total $44 30. Very resoectfttlly.

"THOMAS O'CONNOR. "Chief Esgliieer." Adjonrned. IIXrNOIS CEVTRAL OTtDTNANCB. To-nigbt the streets and landings commute will assemble and take up the two ordinances ersnrina- to the Illinois Central and Mississippi Valley Railroad com panies certain track privileges. Mr.

Leake, general aeent of tbe Illinois Central, will anpear before tbe committee and say wherein the ordinances are objectionable, and If tba committee flads i i I 4 rata coal 1 car brick 1 car wood i cars cattle 1 ear hone 1 car bay 1 cur oil 1 car pi Iron 1 cor hoises 1 car pll and sundries. tint Vessels) Ip, tea red and Sailed for New Orlcaaa, kUtlhU reamstiip El Mar, Urant Feb. 4 Ktcwiuacip Huoaua, Feb. 4 ateiiuuu) Ala.cra, Maxaua. Feb.

8 U. t. Cruletw Feb. itaLilMUUE. Bcaooasr Keartoa Beat Jan.

28 Ukturoou ftaawabip Loulalauaaiaa, De9. 29 Latuas. aid Jan. 4 teausbiu Iniiau. li-irflihs.

aid Jan. 11 truiuip Coaia Kican, Jan. 12 kteamsn I'olitklaa. Broaa. Jsn.

14 Btessisblp Trsyeller, Jsn. 11 tsamahlp JSnhant. Bemiuf Jan. 15 ateaaishlp locbmoor, Jaa. 21 StaaiDSUip jMUialcan, Jau.

21 Columbian, JB 24 Bteamaulp Narlcitir, ptaaruabtp Ws. Cliff. Japba Jaa. 23 tttsaaiauip Barbadian. Campbell.

Jaa. 20 klteaniaoip Couiiao. alandis. Jaa. 2d ttiusbip Workman.

Jan. 28 Steamship Uualclaa, Feb. 1 SteaiDsiup lau'ptcsa, Feb. 1 BteeuS Mp Vloxiran, Japba Feb. t-ioimohip herosrd Hsil.

Feb. 1 8teamsl.ip Mount Royal. aid Feb. 4 Steanwuip Aauitlsn. Fast.

Fetk. 4 ftaasgshtp Afrbaa I'riBco, old Das. Btesmsbip Cays Romano. Jaa. 28 Btassuabtp Imperial Frisco, aiacoy.

Fsb. 1 IIAMB1H3. BteaoMblp Africa. Jaa. 11 Steamship Hixpaoia, Jaa.

27 CEN0A. Steamship rersixa PiUvee. McDoa tall. sid Jaa. 4 Ptesniabip Hadelioa.

Jaa. 21 Steawvtiip Cbarilaos. Jld an. 2 AXTWfcKI'. Stssmsbip Arabian Prtnco, Ban aid Dae.

Steamsbiu Sardin'sn 1'nace. I aid Jsn. 19 MAII8K1M.KS. Steamship Ecxptisa t'nuca, McLaaaaa- sld Dae. Susmship (Xty of York.

Jaa. 17 BARRY. atatslp pile. Reed. Jaa.

14 tsssxsalB Paddlaftaa, Jaa. 24.

The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.