bc Onus-Scmotrat: Onuston, glaa 28, 15315. llEIVAJE AMUsem*nTS. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS. STE A3IS1 1 1 IS.
HOTEL GBUilLD, A Strictly First Class Estatlisnment Baronne, Near Canal Street, SEW ORLEANS, LA. Write for rates to THKO. GRUNEWALD. Managr. JKAIOIjliAlSC 1 1 ElU LES.
Lsalsville and Xaahwllle. Arrives. I Leave, ro- ft matl.T 4i a.miNe. 2. ft ma'l." 4.5 p.
as 1. ft line 7:15 No. 4. hni. d.
11 15 a.m 5. lim'd. No. 6, ft line. .7:35 s.m eoast lias.
No. 8. coast lim. d'ly ex. Su.l:52.m Cly ex.
S.ui.3. p.m 10. Sunday No. Snnday :25 p.mi Queen ana CreietsL i1 -1 No. 2.
Uo 6 p. .1. ft mail n.M p.m; No. 4. ft maU.J:ou 2 CentraL oon P-24, local lifted T-45 Ka Lou.
ind LlV1 limited 7 45 No. i ib i V.p SrWa.ia No! I' mail. Clnclnotl sn.J. Loa- City- fctao No. 33, S-Bdar v''l p.m excursion 9 Vao.
a.a aaaoo and -Mississippi Vallei- 4 WANT advertise menta and marriages and death notice for Insertion in The Times-Democrat at regular rates may be left at the following places until 9 o'clock $. m.t L. KEPPLER. Druggist, corner Dryades and Euterpe atreeta. A.
D. ELANCHARD. Drozgist. Maeaains street and Magazlna Tlace. Telephone JfiTT.
LICHTENTAG iLeadine firms employ our ou- PARAGON pilg. who in about a MONTH 111 Robin, near Coli- 8HORTH AND. arum Park, Also taught by mail. MEN desiring to loin Hood's Regiment i port at 810 Common street, at 2:30 p. in.
Mis placing Of records mail addresses nece- tates advert islnji. Mriup iuuket tf possible. A YOUNG man as giasswasbcr. 317 Carondelet. A COMPETENT retail grocery clerk.
Apply c. Mi-Neman, iuayene ave. and Burgundy. A WHITE yardman; a milker, and uumar- ried: state age. nationality.
Relder. Times- ueuioerai. A FIRST class plumber; bring reference-. Jjoainger, mil ueiaronae, Aigieis. A GOOD cook for Bay St.
Louis and city. pply Canal street. BoY at ice anop. 45ld I'rytauia call 12 clock. A SALESMEN to sell cigars to dealers: sal ary $.
to A per month and expanses; experience unneceaxary permanent position. 1'ha lie Mora cisrar u. SALESMEN" to sell perfumes and toilet ar ticles; 1W per mocta and expenses; expe- neuce nuaecessary. numer ierruery St. UOU18.
MO. ACTIVE solicitors wanted everywhere for America's Battle for Cuba's Freedom:" of ficial war book; tells all a boot Spain. Cuba, rmies, navies, war and all great commanders grapme description of Dewey a famous victory and his complete description of Dewey's fatu ous victory aud his complete biography; biggest book; ujo large pages; magniaceatly iilua- trtttea: tremendous ieniari- only i com mission oo iter cent; bonanza kt ageuts; days' credit; freight paid; outfit free. Write uick. xb Dominion company.
Dept. bicago. COLORED -woman to do houaewoik. Apply 241 Philip, corner Chestnut. COMPETENT woman for housework.
721 St. Charles. EXPERIENCED machine operators to make shirts; none others need apply. -14 Chart tea street. FIRST claas foreman for pants factory; must be a designer aud mi who understands thoroughly all details connected wlt manu facturing pants: must come well recommended.
Address Sol Fols, car of B. Lowensteta Memphis, Ten. GOOD cook; two In Xauily. 1530 Esplanade avenue. HOOI REGIMENT Keem sting office, room Ko.
1, Masonic Temple. Hours: a. m. to 5 LADIES to make sample paiches at home: 10 per week: no canvassing. Send reply en velope for sample and particulars.
Foster Ma chine 525 et 2M New York. SAW MILL hands, to work in the country. Apply Negrotto 11S Magnolia street. THESE Prices Speak for Themselves Bill heads, tags, cards, statements, each 85 cents per ttiousa aa note neaus. i letter Heads.
40: nest commercial envelopes, iiw; every hing else in proportion. E. P. Brandao. 515 TWO white male waiters for first class res taurant Address Restsurant.
care branch office The Times-Democrat, Mobile, with recommenaatlons. WHITE hotiseglri to assist with grown chil dren. Apply 22o5 St. Charles avenue," comer I hilip. Y'OUNG man as assistant secretary of a pay ing stock company: most invest $300; state ge and sd4rs "Steam, this efnee.
25 SCHOLARSHU'S: Siiorthand snd commer cial cou-ses; $3 per mouth. Address Box OM, station ts. to $ICW MONTHLY am! expenses paid to fell clears on time; experience unnecessary. vv. lline St.
Louis, Mo. SITUATIONS WANTED. BOOKKEEPER or assistant; experienced and finished course; best references salary moder ate. Address taxperlence, tnis office. BY man and wife, a furnished house to take charge of for the summer months or longer: best of relerence given.
Address 1, this ornee. BY first claw sugar-huuse and general en gineer; lwt reference! as to character and ulity. W. A. this office.
BY competent lady stenographer and type- wr.rist; i-st ot reierence. Address Stenog- apner, tnis inco. IN office by young man twenty-one years of age; four years' experience, and will furnish all references req nied. Address this office. SOAP and elu maker wants txwition (South- cm Ststes); will invest 1U00.
Glue, Times- MISCELLANEOUS "WANTS. ME.N desiring to join llooo Regiment re port at S10 Common street, at 2:. p. in. Misplacing of records with mail addresses neces sitates advertising, i.rnig tuanaet ii possinie.
A THOUSAND business cards, properly print ed, ft. Myers printing House, til olJ camp. ALLIGATOR skins, bides, wool and beeswax. R. P.
Gillespie, -03 Decatur street. New Or leans. L. BEFORE selling your real estate securities or furniture, write A. a.
frtox CARPETS, furniture In small lots, or entire contents of residences, for cash. Buyer, P. O. Box 12U. DROVE) Wells made, giving abundan of good water; price $25 to $ot.
including hand pump. Apply to M. reirel, ti4-taii Magasine. FURNITURE, carpets, in small lots, or entire nouscnoias; casn. txporter, Box FURNITURE, in small tots or entire contents of houses: highest cash prices paid.
Address -snipper, nox se, r. o. FURNITURE, carpets, pianos, contento of residences and stores purchased. O. Box lo.
GOLD and silver bought: watches and Jew elry for sale; also books, news, magazines. stationery, notions. Peirce. 1026 Canal, next Pickwick Club. WANTED Landlords and agents to know that the Pelican Excavating Company cleans vault cheaper than any other company, ot- nce 'Caroudelet.
A cent. i Wanted. DEWEY, United States. Cuba or Maine patriotic buttons, loo $2 25; two samples mailed 10c. Memorial Mfg.
lis 5th ave. hicago. FOR "i Mir Naval War With Spain." Splen didly illustrated: only authentio book to 1 publ islied; free outfit now ready; act quick. National Pub. Lakeside IhtcaKO.
FOR Gen. Fit-bug- Lee's Great New Book on 'uta; a. marvelous revelation; fact seller; outfit 50 cents. B. re Johnson Pub.
3-5 Eleventh street. Richmond, va. MUBAT HALSTEAD'S Great War Book, "Our Country in War." All about armies, navies, coast defenses, Msine disaster. Cuba, war with Spam, and relations with foreigu na tions; nearly tmw pages: all written since Maine disaster; magnificent colored Illustra tions; agents making 10 to per day; bo experience necessary; most lilieral teruij guar anteed; twenty days' credit, prioe low, fiei-tt naid: handsome outfit free: send nine 2-cent Btiimps to pay postage. Union, 24 Dearborn street, I.n-ago.
QUICK men to visit stores and sell machine I for prim ln signs on fences, onogea. rocks. etc; steady work all summer. Are 35 Arc street, Racine, Wm. Board Wanted.
COUPLE, tip town, quiet, clean; do boarding house; references; Drawer state price; reasonable. -looms and Board Wanted. LADY wishes board a ad room: state price and all particulars; reference excUauged. L. '1 lines-Democrat.
Boarders Wanted. AT 1133 St. Charles Delightfully furnished rooms, single or eo suite, wit- ooard. Roomers and Boardera Wanted. AT the Elks' Home, 121 Elk place; finest talite in the city ior i per nay.
141 CANAL Large, cool rmms, with, best board; $4 to lr weex; tatn. Ptiolls Wanted. A A McNALl.Y. shorthand and typewriting office and s-hool iPittm-ii system); dictation classes. 215 llenueu Bulidius, Carondelet and Common: uopylrg.
EMANUEL Commercial Shorthand. Typewriting "office and School. Room 22, 210 Carondelet (Denerre Building copying, MISS D. POINTS' Musical Institute and of Oratory, Elocution and No. Lijlati ave.
Piano, violin, oigna, guitar," Uinju, autouani aud xither ai-o typfvirttiiig shorthand and physical cuUiiie: tin Slid ujt.il clafes. -HI I'UiVAN MIORTMAM: simpieT legi'-le. sp'iiiv: par'iciijrs nuiiel free. M. 1.
HORrHANTar- TYPEtt 1J. M. Vrt'MUi. S- nuMierate Trow. a'e party; real jitr cent.
II IjOAN this I I I Partner Wanted. A LADY with means to take half in fully furnished houste, over th Lke. Address iinmeoiateiy. tnis oiuee. I WILL invest some money and become a partner in any paying buaiue-a Addims this office.
WITH aUjilt J50O0-, I have a lilm and need capital; can give th hent'of refer ences. Address and investigate, C. S. this ofti. Wanted to Rent.
FOUR-ROOM cottage: within welkin- tanre of Canal street. Address 8, this office. FURNISHED bouse remainder summer state price and location; best references. Wright, tlii office. LARGE building, suitable for manufacturiii- plant; possession wanted between now and Oct.
1: state price and location. Zero, this office. Money to Loam. ON city real estate. Jules A.
Gauche, stock broker, 143 Carondelet street. TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY. OCTAVE GOMEZ, 314 Carondelet street, naar ursvier. tionrs. to li and 2 to 4.
Wanted to Parrhase, CIGAR store in business section of city. Address s. this office; state location and price. SINGIJ5! cottage, two-story rear, containing eight rooms, hall, bath, pantry and closets. large yard.
Address this otttce. SQUARE of ground on river front. John Castell ic 145 Caroivlelet FOR SALE. A WAGON LOAD of split ash and oak. de livered inside premises.
$2 25; oak and pine, Ch.ia. U. Krfwt. 142H t'rytania. A THOUSAND business cards, properly punt xl.
1. Myers' Printing House, 17-1- Cainp. A FEW lots and squares in First, Sixth, seventfi and inlrd districts on monUily pay lueiits. tv. it.
itowcott, common. AT $1500. or exchange for city property, on the ridce, Covington road: three miles north east of Slidell; lt5 acres fine land, well improved; now in vegetables and fruit; fine stock rsugw. Wilson. Carondelet.
A BATTERY of second-band Babco*ck Wilcox boilers; 312-horse power; now In this city. Apply to Te Ba.bco*ck Wilcox No. 339 Carondelet street. New Orleans, La. A 36 FOOT cabin launch.
7-foot beam. 10-11. P. engine, in Al condition, built by the Gas Engine and Power Campauy of New York; carries 4O0 miles of fuel et a speed of miles per hour. Apply 137 Royal street.
A COMPLETE sprinkling outfit, consisting of two horses, one Miller Kniblock sprinkler, one elevated tank, one Deahn pump, feet of iron pipe, one set Harness; Horses trained to Hie engine. Apply Lock not 2o. New Iberia, La. BUSTED bicycles repaired by expert work men only. Cut Rate Bicycle House.
123 Camp. CISTERNS. 1000 gallons. $15; 1500 gallons. $20.
A. RiggS 12 Perdido street. COMPRESS For Sale On account of the con solidation of the two companies in Monroe, we offer for sale one ot our maciiines. with motive power and pipe connections cuo-plete; it is a SW-inch Morse, in perfect condi tion, sud will make the density re. i aired by the Maritime Association.
Standard Warehouse sod Compress Company, I riah Millsaps, presi dent. IN ALGIERS. ELEGANT NEW DOUBLE COTTAGE ON PELICAN AVENUE. Square bounded by Seguia, Alix and Bermudex, known as the iurnbuU cottage. ill be sold separately, part cash, aud balance one, two and three years' twne.
or according to home stead plan. ia writing, naming price and terms offered, will be received at uflire People's Il-nn-stead Association, corner St Charles and Union street-. REAL estate formerly belonging to Interna tional Cotton Press Compauy: 1. Largs square of ground bounded by New Levee, Front, Gaien- nie and Calliope streets; 2. Square of ground adjoining above (except tour lotsi, bounded by Calliope, Erato, New Levee and Front streets; 8.
Portion of ground in square bounded by New Levee, Tchoupitouias, Thalia and Hunter streets, measuring 74 feet 2 inches front on New Levee street, 2 feet inches front oa Hunter street, and adjoining in the rear. Apply to J. B. GUTHRIE, Morris Building, and A. H.
WILSON, 627 Gravier street. New Orleans. RICE CHICKEN FEED. $1 25 per sack 100 pounds. Albert Mackie Grocer Company.
STEAMBOAT for sale or charter; cheap; good condition; under loO tons; packet or tow- Adiles A tnis ottlee. TEN K.I.P.A.N.S- for cents, at druggists one gives relief. THE best yO-tach Morse compress ever built by the Reading Iron Works. Pennsylvania. John C.
Hurler Montgomery, Ala. 1SUS BICYCLES DOWN TO $3. New 1898 Model Ladies and Gent's Bicycles are now being sold oil easy conditions as low as otners outrignt at i.i wo. ana men grade at 95 and $22 po, to be paid for after received, it yon win cot tnis notice out ami send to Sears, Roebuck At I Chicago. thev will send you their 1888 Bicycle Cata logue and mil particulars.
25t3 DAUPHINE. corner Washingtou To- storv and attic fraui resideoce. UK-eiy subdi vided rear buildings, oo lot feet 3 inches by IIS feet Terms One-tlilrd cash. balance one snd two years, or according to homestead plan. Apply to People liomesteaa, corner St.
Charles and I men For Sale or Kichaage FOR city realty or stock of merchandise, or make a general agricultural snd stoca farm, Carroll county; accessible by rail or water: not subject to overa iw; land nlahlv ter- tile; 1000 acres clenred aud fenced. Apply to I bus. Itianche. 7: nlon. KOQ3IS ANI liOAKD.
Si ST. CHARLES-Handsomely furnished pwuii: ta.te unexceueo; transient custom so- llcited, Mrs. A. E. Blackmar.
AT SOS St. Charles, corner Julia street. Mrs. A. formerly of Bay St.
Loniw Ho tel; elegant furnlsbed rooms, with ooard. AT 3218 St. Charles Avenue Delightful rooms and board for couples or gentlemen references exchanged. AT 842 St. Charles Handsomely furnished rooms, large and small, wit- nrst (lass board electric fins.
AT -32 Bourbon Furnished rooms $1 50 uc table board weeKiy; private latiiuy. AT 17t30 St. Charles Avenue Two delightful rooms for gentiemea or family; reasonable rates. BEAUTIFUL rooms and board; hot and cold water baths. lO-H eu.
ity. near St. Charles. ELKS Home, 121 Elk Plaee (formerly Basin streeti; sue rooms; best taoiu board in tne $1 per day. LARGE, cool rooms In choice location, with board: private family.
liOU Jackson, corner Carondelet. LARGE front rooms and board for two. tlS to $20 per moii in. eu luroone. baths, table board; references re quired.
018 South street, L-xayette Skiuare. Mrs. Huston. ST. CHARLES MANSION (NEW APART MliNT HOTKLr.
ELEGANT Ron.MS AMI CUISINE: SUMMER RATES I'H WEEK AND UP. b22 Tt 82 ST. CHARLES 721 ST. Street Delightfully cool TO is, with first eitma board: rea-ouable rates KOOMS FOR KENT AT 848 CAMP STREET. Two connecting furnlhed front rooms.
near Canal Nicely fur nished rooms from $1 oo up per week. AT 31S North Rampart, near Canal Elegant furnished rooms, suite or single; bath; board optional. DELIGHTFUL rooms, furnished, large and small, loisj sr. banes sua Lee place. FURNISHED Rooms Privilege lijjht housekeeping.
154- Magazine street, corner Orange HOUSEKEEPING Two cool gallery rooms everything furnished, stove, etc. 162- Polymnia, near St. Charles. LOWER floor, connecting rooms; nicely fur nished. Is2t Terpsichore, between Baronne anu Dryades.
NICELY furnished rooms, without board, at 17 St. Charles, opposite mtayette Pars; tran solicited. PENN" FLATS. 614 South street, Lafayette Square Handsome apartments, with baths; reference required. TWO nice, cool rooms for rent, with or out board.
2S45 Baronne street. rith- ROYAL Large front, second floor, t2 23 weekly; rear room. 1175; others $1, 1125; references. 2 CONTI Street Comfortably furnisne. roouis at $1 and $2 per week.
IJOAlUJlNli EXCELLENT hoard, large rooms; wide, light talis; well heated; bath, hot aud cold water. Miss Butler, 172- Coliseum Pack, cornel' io-lymola. 72S ST. CHARLES-Rooms aal board; tran-aieat custom solicited. Mrs.
M. A. C. llussey. WEST END Bellstedt's ConcRen Soecialties 4t IfllLLAR SISTERS, Refined Singing and Danc-fi-rtttel ing.
Tuesdays and Sundays. CITY PARK. Wednesday and Saturday. EI AT I )XA SUMMER LAW LECTURES LXIVEHSITY OF VIRGIMA. Twenty-ntntli summer.
July 1 to Sept. 1, 18(i. Have proved especially profitable to beginners; to candidates tor admiwain to the bar; to young practitioners lacking systematic Instruction; and to older practitioners desiring to combine recreation with a review of element rv principles. For eatalogne address R. C.
MINOR. Secretary, Charlottesville, Va. SPEC1AJL IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 48 OF the Constitution of Louu-iana. public notice is hereby given that it is the Intention of the LOUISIANA NATIONAL BANK, the HlBEli-NIA NATIONAL BANK, and th NEW OR LEANS NATIONAL BANK to apply to Xh ueneral Asaembly at its coming eiou for toe enactment of a law for the relief of said banks, providing for their reimbursem*nt ef the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in the proportion of one-third thereof to each, loaned and adv.iieed l. iii hnka to the State dur ing the months of October and November, l-UT.
a meet tbe expenses of means ana measure adopted by the State authorities to suppress or control the epidemic of yellow fever then existing in the City of New Orleans and other pariMwes relating to the same ALGIERS WATERWORKS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS. May 24 Interest coupons -n bonds of this comp-ny, maturing June 1, 1WS. will be raia on and after that date at the Louisiana Na tional Bank. LEIGH CARROLL, Secretary.
i23 Union street. New Orleans. May 25. 1HHS. At an election held on May the following Board of Directors was eleiiJed to serve fir the ensuing year: Messrs.
J. H. MENGE. S. H.
SCULLY. At a meeting of the hoard, held this day, the following officers were unanimously le- elected President, CI A. BREAUX. Vice President. JAS.
A. KEN SHAW. Secretary, S. H. ItKIX.
METAIRIE- CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, S. H. BELL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Ap plication will be made to the Geoer-il Assem bly, at its session for 1S9S, by th Drainage Commission of New Orleans, fot the passage of an act amending Act No. 114 of ISM.
lim iting tbe issue of bonds -hereunder, and pro viding for their payment. ACCOUNTING. AND AUDITING. COMMERCIAL AND CORPORATION BOOKS adjusted and audited by a practical and ex perienced accountant. Sets of books to keep and adjustment of ac counts solicited.
Local banks and merchants as references. Address "CONFIDENTIAL ACCOUNTANT," P. O. Box No. 9u5, city.
NEW ORLEANS. MAY 23. 1S9S. A general meeting of tne stockholders of "he Douislana Construction and Improvement Company will be held at the office of the company. No.
31S Karon lie street, on MONDAY. June lSWS between tbe hours of 1 and 2 p. for tbe purpose -of electing a Board of Directors in ac cordance with article nve of tbe charter. M. D.
LAGAN, Secretary NEW ORLEANS, MAY 24, 1898 HAVING assumed control of the Billiard Hall corner Canal and Dauphine streets, I respectfully In vite my friends and tha public to attend Grand French Pool Tournament, In which the finest pool players of the South will particl pate. Due notice will be given of game. JOHN K. Ivt-lJ-fcX, OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC Schools, corner Camp and streets New Orleans. May lo.
1M competitive examinations of white applicants tor teacners certificates, grarrn.nr grade, will be held at the Normal (school. Constance ana uaienuie streets. '--inuin 3-ONDAY. June b. tci 1 inz iiic 'i ii on PiatiKs lurnistie- tv supenntenaenv.
WARREN F.ASTON, Stijierintendent WAS DECLAREDI THE LIOUOR. OPIUM. MORPHINE, CO CAINE. CHLORAL and TOUACCO HABITS aud all forms of NEURASTHENIA, conuuered, and the diseases eradicated, at THE FAVORITE" KEELFY INSTITUTE. Magazine and Aline.
N. LM. Treatment and all communications strictly private. P. O.
HEADQUARTERS THIRD WARD CEN tral Democratic Club, New Orleans. May 2' 18-8. A special and important meeting of tha Third Ward Central Iemocratic Club is hereby called to meet at the bail, corner of Rampart and Common streets. THURSDAY EVEN IN NEXT, th 7U instant, at o'ekx-k. meeting will take steps to order a dis trict convention and the election of delegates thereto, for the purpose of nominating a candi date to fill the vacancy of Representative the General Assembly caused by the resign; tion of W.
C. Dufour, Ksi. liy order of Remy Klock, President. ANDF.W WHALKN, Secretary. TOK 1MLNT.
A FOl'R-UOOM cottage, Polymuia, betwee Barunue and Carundelet. Appiy lti21 Erato rent la mouttny. BARROOM aud residence; eight rooms; cor ner Julia ana 1 ront streets. iirnxjm and rest deuce corner lolecano and Ma.azine. Apply W.
G. Tebault or H. H. Knickerbocker, 211 itoyai street. CHKAP Kuised cottage; seven large room pa.
bata. 4417 Dryades street, near Napoleoa avnne. DESIRABLE dwellings iu fixtii District. Apply Wm. iSrotliere, Camp street.
FURNISHED hotie, six rooms, in Second District, t-ic" square Cacai stree ehe. to responsible tenant. Theoi. Colon is, 137 Carondeiet, room FURNISHED houses on beach; srtesia water, analyzed by Dr. -Jbreeht.
Aug. Dor- ries. 1-iloXI. MISS. FURNISHED niudt rn house; stable, yard; hot and culi water; Jackson avenue.
Call GRAY GABLKS. Toti Howard modem rouvenieaces; twenty rooitis. furnished or unfurnished; terms to good teonnt. RKSIDENCES 741 Camp and l. V.rato street, between St.
Charles aud Care-dele t. Apply J. Giiaiore, 132 Carondelet. TWO completely furnished hises, near Aslieville. N.
C. one mile fii.it railroad ata-tioa. Apply to care Tlines-Democr-t. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTIC SYSTEM AND MORGAN LINE. TEXAS PORTS.
Wertsch. sails from Morgan City I assengrrs take Morgan's Ferryboat, foot of Elysian Fields street, at 9 a. m. Lighterage at Braios. if snv.
at risk and ex- Pease of consijiiiees. FOR NEW YORK. STEAMSHIP Cn ALMETTB saHs from Algiers FRIDAY, May 27. p. m.
Freljrht lasnred under snea mol-f Son hern Pari he Company at ---loo Per cent to Sew York. FOR FL0RIDATnD HAVANA, STEAMSHIP Capt. sails from Algiers Parsengers take Morgan's Ferryboat, foot of Elysian Fields street, st a. m. Xo freight for above lines received without orders.
For Information regarding freight cr pas-sase on above Uses apply to office Southern PactQe fompany. Morgan Line, corner Mga-aine and Natcbea streets. A. C. HUTCHINSON.
President M. L. and T. R. R.
ana S. S. Co. W. BE IN.
Traffic Manager. E. HERNANDEZ, Stesmstip Freight Agent. S- K. B.
MORSE. G. P. snd T. A.
June 8 LOUISIANA WEDNESDAY, June 15 At 8 a. from wharf foot of Touloose street i- reignt insured under open policy of Crom well Steamship Company at 15-ltiO per cent to New York. Through rates and bills of lading given at all jew r.ugiau- ana lorttgn ports. I SI' PASSED AC COM MODATIOX For freiglit or passu ge apply to ALEX. HARRIS, Agent.
313 Carondelet street. DIRECT PASSEMGEH SERVICE TO UVERPOOL-REOUCED RATES. West India and Pacific Steamship ompaoy i -Mall steamers. The following steamers are expected ta leave about the folic wing dates: CUBAN will sail a boat June 5 WILLIAM will sail about Jtme 6 BARBADIAN will sail about June DAHIEN sail about June 11 sail about Jnne 2M will sal! about Jul? 3 wiu sail about Juiv 5 Single trip, $S0; return by direct steamer, $150; New Orleans to Liverpool and return by way of the West Indies, Spaio Main and Mexico, with stoa-over privileges avaiiaol for aix uiont-s, m. j.
andkrs. Cotton Exchange Buiiulng. American and Red Star Lines New York Qneervitow- Southampton. New York Southampton, Antwerp. To ttMsars psrfartalna Htsn sarviSM arc sittm iraiss ir BaiiLan.
Every Wednesday and alternats Satorday at noon. Chester May Berlin. June 11 1 Noordland. 15 Kensington June 8 riesland Jam 22 M'B NATIONAL NAVIGATION Piers ana 13 -orto mver. orace.
fl Bowling Green F. J. ORFILA. No. 213 Carondelet A.
K. UIU-tK A 303 Carondelet St. FRENCH LINE CompagEia Generaie TransatlaEtiqui DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE PARIS (FRANCE) Sailing EVERY SATURDAY at 10 a. follows From Pier N'a. 42.
North River, foot Morton St La Navarre May La Gasrogae. IS lt Bouirogne. 4 La 2S La lotiralue June Hotirgogite. uly General for the United States and Canada, 3 Bowling Green, New York. K.
E. I'REvosi, 4a Baronae street (General Southern Agent. FOREXEDE Gt LF-BALTIC L1SE. SEW OK LEANS TO COPEXH.ICE.I. Steamship LOUISIANA May loading Steamship loading Steamship NM OLAl II July kiaJuig Steamship XENIA loading Steamship LOUISIANA loading Steamship August loading Steamship ARKANSAS.
loading Steamship KENTUCKY Sept. loading Through bills of lading signed to all poi-ts in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland. Germany and Russian Baltic. For freight and other naractilars apply to CHARLES F. ORTHWE1N SONS.
Agents, 60S Hen-en Building. New Orleans. "HEAD" L1SE. DIRECT STEAM SERVICE rinhlj. Tw thmoeh rates to orinrlnal oaints iu lieland and Scotland and to tne Baltic.
FOR BELFAST. Steamship BENGORF. HEAD Jane-July Idg For rates and other particulars apply to CHARLES F. ORTHWE1N SONS. New Orleans; G.
HEY SONS Belfast; FAir GRAVE. MURPHY Dublin. HOVDIHAS. OTERI LSilE. -TV ra XT' ii rn.n.'.
mi vriu, nil VVWI isE2fJ of Honduras. Freight received May 5 and 26 np to 12 m. Apply to S. OTERI, 43 South Front St. SEW ORLEANS, BELIZE, ROYAL MAIL AMI AMERICAS STEAMSHIP CO PAS LTD.
WEEKLY SEBVIC8 FOR BE- f-y -i Hie. Llvlngstou, Puerto Barrios fiiiy3l nd Puerto Cortex- -Steamships FOXHALL Leslie master Sails THURSDAY. May is. SPERO Loon master Sails MAY 2. PUERTO CORTEZ Steamship CLEARWATER J.
McFartane master Sails about MAY 19 from Mobile. For freight or passage apply to MACHECA Managers, No. 125 Decatur street. COSTA RICA. COSTA RICA STEAMSHIP LINE.
FOR PORT FOR PORT LIMOS, COST RICA. The following first class iron teamsiiips. having superior pas- Hivfmn mi pected to sail follows: ATLAS LISE STEAMSHH. ASDES on or about May 26 ALPS on or about Jane 2 Shippers must obtain an order from the agent before sending freight to th- steamers. For freight or pa-sage apply to HoADLEY corner liberty and William streets.
New York; HOADLEY a ami Uravler street. New Orleans. JOHN G. WOODS. Manager.
MEXICAN GULF STEAMSHIP CO. Semi-Monthl, Sailings for Tamjj'co, Herco. CONNECTING WITH WARD LlNe. FOit VERA CRUZ and MEXICAN GULF PORi and Mexican Central and Monterey and Mexican Gulf Railroads for all points ia lb Interior of Mexico, For freight or passage apply to J. T.
CRAWFORD. Agent. 404 Canal St. TO AT iASKA by new EMPIRE LINE st-amera Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Couemaugls. Steam Heat, Electric Lights, and all modern Improvements.
Seattle to St. Michaels Appointed to tall sU.ut June 15. 22, July 13, 2 27, connecting with company's fleet of new YUKON RIVER ST1MI KS, injuring prompt through passage to DAWSON CITY and other Yukon River points. Apply EMPIRE TRANSPORTATION fT First avenue. Seattle, Wiish.
Or to INTERNATIONAL NAV. 8 Bowling Green, New York. 1 CREW NOTIC ES. NEITHER THE OWNERS, CAPTAIN XOR undersigned will be responsible lor any debts contracted by tbe crews of the Danish steamship LOUISIANA, Capt, P. Jensen, and British steamship WILLOW BRANCH, Capt.
Ritsoa. CHAS. F. ORTHWEIN SONS, 003 Henoen Building, Carondelet street. No.
No, No. No. No. NOT IN THE Lafayette Fire Insurance Com pany, No. 2123 Magazine near Jackson Ave.
SU3IMEK ItCSOJTS. LOOKOUT INN, LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, TENS. Sow Opea for Season of 1S9S. Altitude S30O feets 400 room. Only 14 Iioara' ride.
Address C. B. MARTIX, Manager. YOUR. VJICaTION spend Waukesha 1000 ft.
above sea level. No mosquitos. Famous Spring. Parka, Sociul Entertainments, Boating, Bathing and Fishing. Take C.
4 N. C. M. ft. or Bid.
Ceo. R.R. Write or souvenir with hotel Kiia boarding house rice list to Box 408, ankeslia, Wisconsin. ROANOKE Red Sulphur Springs, Via Salem, opens June elevation 2200 feet; water relieve dyspepsia, hay fever, lung, throat and female troubles. Write for deserip-tiTe pamphlet, contaiuing analysis of water, certificates, references, etc.
J. 11. CUAfMAS. 1 IPAXOIfe A Kadera Eooataia Saaort. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS.
Eght Hundred Feet of Porches. Long Sun Parlor. Polished Oak Dancing Floor, tsuuara and i'ool Tennis Courta, etc. FINE ROADS FOR DRiViNS N0 CTCUNQ. TaMe supplied with all the delicaeiet of tbe B-Hi more and Norfolk markets.
crystal Spring'' water used eiclusively. Rates atiout the same as the old-fashioned places. Special terms to large families and large parties. Write to ts- i-J'" For Railroad Tickets and Schedules see McliREAiOR, v. Pas.
St. Charles Hotel. THE BEAUTIFUL PARK HOTEL, Hot Springs, Ark. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. Every Modern Convenience.
Manager. MAISON DU NORD, CHICAGO. Astor Street. Mer Division mod Lake Shore. Clear South Enl of Lincoln Park.
FIRST CLASS FAMILY HOUSE. Rates, $7.00, 18.00, 19.00 and $10.00 per week: transient $1.50 and $2.00 per day. References, by permission: Judge J. M. Thompson.
Covington. Mrs. Marion Baker, New Orleans; Mr. Page M. Baker, Times-Democrat.
The Alleghany Springs, Celebrated for Its cures of Dyspepsia and kindred diseases. Open June till November. For descriptive pamphlet and terms, appiy to C. A. rropnner.
CAFON SPRINGS AND BATHS. ALKALINE UTK1A AND IRON SPRINBS. A grand Mountain Resort with capacity fur 700 guests, which tills with delightful company to utmost capacity every season, nnit eauj for rooms, rates or pamphlets. W. H.
SALE, Proprtetor, O. capon spring, west nreuita. SEW AH MODEHS ABITA SPRINGS HOTEL, Abita Spring. La, OPEN. HOT AND COLD SL LPHUR BATHS.
WIDOW O. AL BEKT. THE ilUDUUOIff, Broadway, corner 3lith N. Y. City.
Nicely furnished consisting ef panor and alcove neurooui. witu ur witnout urivate bath; by day or week; hotel service; restaurant: moderate prices. D. EDGAR CLOSE, Prop. IiOOBLOUT 2o00 FEET ABOVE.
SEA LEVEL. Im-iune from Yellow Fever. Lortng Springs Hotel at Mentone, is the most poptilai- HEALTH and REST RESORT in the ftooth. Chalybeate Water (cure for dyspepsiai. Cool aud braclug air.
Rates reasonable. Send for circular. HAS. A. LURING, Proprietor.
GRAY'S III El N. oiqn May 25 to November. Special low rates lor June, tot circular write C. VV. OUAI, Proprietor.
MOtXT KEIIU SPItltiS. An old. inexi.enlve resort in the Chilhower Slouutaius. evation ZMn) leet. iron water; no Uew.
or circulars address A. A. WILSON, Marvvllie, Tens. "Gamble" P. O.
after Jane 10. It I A SI'HIrS, TEW. THE GEM OF SUMilER month or season of outing at this charming re sort may tie the means of prolonging life sev eral years. An excellent place for weary brum workers to recuperate, f'iue fishing, boating and scenery. Several acres of green shaded lawu.
amid which bubbles lortn the wonderful Medicinal "atersof Rhea springs, tor rates, aualjsis of water, address T. B. GORMAN, Proprietor. MOUNTAIN LAKE. VA.
MOUNTAIN LAKB HOTEL opens for the se roUiUioiiatiitU of vlMtors JUNE 1. IK. Ap first elas; rooms airy and wea luriaslieil sanitary conditions excellent elevation feel; grand mountain scenery casiade of SW feet wiiio a few milea of hotel bunting and ttont tl-hiug; lake iu front of hotel tsprtng water) one-half mile wide by tnree-imarteis of a miie long, and well stocked with fish (pickerel). First class liv ery; drives and walks; line boating on the lake; bowling alleys, tenuis, pool an other amusem*nts. No malaria or inos'itil lies.
Daily mall: telephone connection vith l'eaibroke. Station on the New River division of tie NorfuUt and Westetn Itaiiroad, where our conveyances meet all 9ecger trams, Closes Oct. lb. i c-r descriptive circular or further informa t.ini. aadress O.
A. i K1 tAil it.i,u, t'rop. MAI pln.i iri bill orth R. Si NOLI A Grove Hotel and Mineral Magnolia, Miss. Go to ilasnoiia, tu cO'is air will benefit your lungs, driv rare: mliieral spiinss flowing, magnolias in: K'HmI table fare and nice airy rooms it New Orleans US miles on the I.
C. li. -Jay excursion $1. L. prv i THE Illtoric White Springs.
Green tounty. West irgluia. Hie reprewota- tne n-suit of the South. A great central point ct reuci.m for tbe l-est WH-lety (if tue North, and est. i i -f raiew: Per tf twt-uty-eigUt days, f4.
(Mi, jiVi -nd ja-r week. $12 50. $15, $17 60 and uiuier 12 years of age and ser- vaiii Opea Juue 15 to Oct. 1, Elevator and electric bells. Secure location early in advaiK-e of the season.
I-'are atjvl ni.itiona first clasw. Local ity Haif a tuile from jiiid tiie university. Reference. Dr. Hunter Va.
F-r furttier par-tic-laiw addrs Mrs. Thomas L. Rosxer. httg-'v 1 Station, Chariot! sville, Va. iHATAWA, Central Kailpwii 1 in is.
from tity; Sunday excursion; bcautif'jl scenery; tine drive: large, airy mmns; reaoonable rates. Address O. CHEtEX, or Liuisa street. BAY VIEW VILLA, Bay St. Louis, on beach: French modsiats.
Ura. Chaa. Plata. cuisine: cm IE '5Erli' TFCTU FREE Without rain, MQ I ttln aad the BT FALSE bUT. PHILADELPHIA DEXTAL ROOMS, 4 Bourbon Street, Cor.
Canal. Sunday 8 to 1. Dr. A. MeKECHME.
Dr. HUGH HINCKLEY Invitation tothe Public dl 4RITY HOSPITAL. STATE OF Slay 25. I'TSen laving the c.r-crvoi.e of lb? Richard 111 a MenioVi-1 Hospital for Chili reu, on luiane itcow. to the main building of toe 4 "lurciouy the allv invited to attend the ceremonies incident to "the laving of the cornerstone of the JiU ard Memorial Hospital Vnstunt at to take place oa SATURDAY, 2b insUnt, at FAMOUS MEXICAN BAM) will assist Id the ceremonies.
By order or Secreary Gold Medal Dentistry. Lowest Charge. UK. J. H.
MALOSEY OS, Josephine, Cor. Camp And ail Baronne Crown. Br dee. Fillings and Plate WorK lnaerted no scientific principles. Or.
M. was awarded the gold medal for heat dentistry. All operations witnout pain, rat.tblished 33 years. St. Charles Mansion OEW APARTMENT HOTEL.) StricrlT First Class.
V0' Transient. Solicited. Moderate Rate. All ioms U-ht. Sunny and Airy.
Call Balls in Rooms. I'olite Attendance. American Plan 2.0 D- REDUCED BUMMER BATES. S22-S26 St. I'harle Street, near Julia, SMILE KUNTZ.
Manager. Lately Manager Victoria Hotel and Hotel Ee-jiaissuce. New York. FAN MOTORS FOR 1898. O-" National Automatic Fira Alarm Co of La.
618 Gravier Street, Telephone 800. NEW ORLEANS. Mini. mmmmapm KULES FOR SILE. All parties needing mules for PLANTATION, LEVEL or CITY can always find Urge number of select and bleb grade stock at our tables.
Large consignments received weekly, direct from the mule growers. We Invite inspection and guarantee all Mock to be aa repre- I Baronne St. STABLES S27-351 Uryades SPARKS BROS. JIcGEE. Car Loads Receiving: Weekly.
Choice Kentucky and Tennessee Mules FOR CITT OR PLANTATION WORK. invite Inspection and guarantee satisfaction in quantity and price. MARTIN. THOMSON R. E.
Cotton Duck, all widths and weights. Filter Clot ha and Bags specialty, till Clothing, Paulins, Flatrs. Hammocks, Teats. Oanopies. Lta'nclng Cloths and inclosing for weddmg and partlea.
Steel, Iron, Tar, Asphalt and Asbestos ALL KINDS AT LOWEST PRICES. S. 0. ROOFING and METAL W0KKS, Corner Lafayette and PryaUes. Telpphon 1385.
rilKSOXAI A THOUSAND busiueas cards, properly printed, 1 1. Myers Printing House, Oli-Cli) camp CKEOLE Tea makes giod blood and a beau tiful cotiipltsiion lo cenis: dnig stores. CHEAP Printing tsv price list In Help anted column, I', ltrsuuao, Dlo orarler. ull. 1.
11. FEMALE KE-ULA'i l.NG I'iLLh The aurest remedy tor all female irreg ularities; kuid by drugshsU. oit 714 North Lauipart, opiosite Couyo Square. HATS KO'l feathers cleaned and dyed. C.
White, lhW l'ryades, opp. Kaufman ii Isaacs' LAlilES" Monthly Regulator: never tails. Rend 4 cents for Woman Safe Wil cox Med. Lept. Ill, Philadeiphia, Pa.
LADIES Chichester's Etislish Pennyroyal I'ills (Ulamond Jiroudi are tue best; safe, reliable; take no other; send 4c tamps.f particulars. 'Relief for Ladies" In letter by re turn mall; at druggists. C'tieueater Chemical tknupany. rhiladelhia. a.
MRS. uEslKHLE, midwife, lZ2u South Raruiart, near 1-elkity. ON" Creiiit! Clothitis made to- measure or reii'v made on weekly or monthly payments without security, crescent cred't i lot king I4t Caroudelet, corner Conunon street. stairs. 3IE1UCAU PR.
W. V.II.I.E Nervous and private dis eases imeu and wouicui; diinculties of ineu truatiuo altaaya relieved. tuew WJ) tit Cbaries street. ik. nr.iuiM.
specialist lor Indies, or prtvale aiiseises: uunat, ir.il liiscinirsres sik-ccrs fully treajeil; pulnfol ami ineunlar irenstrtia tion pwMflptly relieved; over thirty years' ex perieiicc; '-LiitkienTial. 126 uth Hanipart near 1' lls Jhe Mexican Gulf Hotel, AT Beautiful Pass Christian, Miss Special Summer Rates. CU.L AT ST. CHARLES DAI AMI cATt'RIiAYS EEIW1.HN 10 AND II A. OR L.
(., MmiHcer. WHEN YOU HEAR OF WAR Rumors war. pestilent that stnikc: by day or ihnt SietU uieiit. FLEE TO THE MOUNTAINS. I'es' a leh si.
en-. cuiv si tlfid iSiv, of Vahtiigtou. i' ut-z I sin for t-i ri'e 1 Yellovr'Snlpliur Springs, Montgomery County, Va. Open to Jt'XF 1. priB -e ituated i "I Mouiituirs.
Tie mr i pat. ar-1 it.vlc,irtiug trst in i pl.lets i tt 'Joopcr's vVcil 'HEALTH RESORT HOTEL iS NOW OPEN. 11. SI I N. THE PALATINE, The Mo.rn Hrt.I of the HaJson Valley.
Cotubiniiic all comforts of the city with tee ilij c-jiiuuj. Gruud river view. rite fot 1 cfkl. t. HAI A.
I Nevvti ii rti 1. N. Y. boai; i ixXT'F, rj'uTSliu itauns; Best v. l.nvn.
Three and a tnlf ho'irs from Waxiaagton Cl'y. Terms reasuaaW. Address P.Viii-, Co Station, Aj i. 1L RQQF1MG Vickabure XSl Zi ex ,.4 -Oom Baton RonJT 2 b'irg ex. .8:15 a.
t-u Texa, Mexlcsn it, CaL ExBres; a exor. 1 19, an4 I. 1 Springs and St a m. L. express ni East (FK Queen Credent Depot.
Frew Street! v- Daily. Except Suodav. i -umiay and W.dn.a- Sew" -rM" aau t.raad Isle. A-ers AIii- Sattiplay and ndav Alders Algiers. 4:0 saturdiv tad Sunday Onlv Algiers Algiers .8:30 p.m Daily.
Except Sunday. 8:40 p.m, Algiers a oo a. a Lsaislasa soutnern. T11e Algiers From Be lair and Seu For Sk.ti Becli a.m- Beaea Sll Ania FrniaBelali .7:00 a-m Shell Beach. .8: a.ra Fro-a shell 'shell I.eu.-H i.
Shell Beach. p.m'Shetl Besrt" t.m KA ILItOADS, QUEEN AND CRESCENT ROUTE. Solid Vestibuled Trains. No 2 No, 4, a.m 1 5 1 7 a.m 8:30 p.m 4 a. 7:30 a.a Lv.
New Orleans p.m -iriini-ii. p.m At. St, 7:24 p. iu Lv. Merita ...12:01 Ar.
Chattaoooga Ar. Le? Ingtoa 5:10 p.m Ar. Ciuciuii. ti 7:30 p.m L. New Orleans -i o.m Ar.
Chattanooga 2 a TllHol Ar. Kuonv.de. ..11 -55 m.m SLKKPIXtt ,.1 p-ui, fAH 1 Ar. Washington .7:40 a.m to -i Aw. Pbiladelp a a ew York.
Ar. New .1:20 p.m tl Throngh Pullman Sleeper fne Clnriiinatl leaves New Orleans daily at :0 p. only boirrs. T-rwugh Puilman Sleeper for New York, via Roanoke and Wasblngton D. leaves New Orleans daily n.
m. Only 421, hn- to New York. Throuyh P-iilruan Sleirper leaves Xew Orlestis fcr St. Louis at 6:00 p. m.
dally. Only 23 ors. Train for Pearl River at4 East Lo-Wana points leaves New Orleans dally, extpt Una-day, st m. and 4 p. arrives 8:20 a.
m. anfl m. Ticket Ofitee. St. Cbarlea HoteL GEO.
H- SMITH, Gen. Fas. Agent, New Orleans. W. STOMS.
Asst. G. P. New Orleass. Illinois Central.
SCHEDULE IN EFFECT APRIL 3. MS. Chicago and St. Loots Limited. No 4.
lea 9:00 a. m'No. 3, arrive. .7:43 p. ac Louisville and Cinetnnatl Limited.
No. 4, leave. .:00 a. N. 3, arrive, .7:48 p.
Ckirags and St. Losis Fast Mail. No. 2, leave. .7:20 pi ml No- 1, 8:30 an Lealsvt Je ts.l Clnetaaatl.
No. 2. leave. p. No.
I. arrive. a.m Local Mail sou Exprssa. NEW 0 RLE-UN AND FULTON. KT.
N'o. 24. a No. 23. arrive 10 00 p.m MeCOMB CITY ACCOMMODATION.
No. 32. leave. 5:30 p. No.
Zl. arris. a.m SUNDAY EXCURSION. No. leave.
7:33 a No 33, arrive. :08 p. Solid Trains and Through Sleepers to Memphis. Louis. Chicago.
Evassville. Louisville and Quit kest time to Mnrphysbors aad Cape Girardeau. Yazoo MISSISSIPPI VALLEYS aal SCHEDULE IS EFFECT' FEB. 20, 1S9-. Memphis Expreaa.
p.m.Na. 5, arrive. 11:50 a.ta Vicksbarg aad leave. .8:15 a.m, No. 21, arrive.
3: 30 p. Baton Rsage Aeeommodatlon. So. 4, lea 4:30 p.m N.x. 33, arrive.
9: 13 a. a SOUD TRAINS with PULLMAN SLEKPERS. New Orleans to Vicksburg. New Orleans to Memphis and Kan as City. TICKET O.F1CE, ST.
MURRAY. D. P. Asst. Gen.
Pass. Agt. New Orleans, La. Southern City Ticket Office, corner St. Charles and Canal Stseets Paaaeoger Station, Heal of Esplanade Avenue.
DAILY XKAIS SERVICE. LeavfS. Arrive. N. 21.
No. IS. Callfitaia p. a. 7 a.
ui. No. IS. No. 17.
Texas and Mexican E10 a. m. p. iu. PULLMAN BUFFET DRAWING RouM SLEtl'tRS ON N'os.
19 and 20. between New Orleans and Saa Francisco. Nos. 17 and IS. Few Orleans and San Antonio, and 8a Antonio and City Mexico.
TOURIST SLEEPERS Leave New Orleans each TaunMiay and Friday night, running through, to San Frsnetneo. Rernem'wr that the -m Pacltie is tve ONLY THROUGH LINE ALL PACIFIO COAST POINTS. SHORT LINE To Hat Springs, Tens ui TICKET OFFICE. KtZ CASAL. Depot Office, Foot of Thalia Street.
TIMS CARD. Leaves. California Express 9. .5 a. m.
6.15 p. m. Hot Springs and St. Louis Express 7:20 p. m.
9:15 a. o. 1.1 a. iu. train has tariMigit Fuimaii BuSe-Sleepers to Fort Worth, ami at Form with Pullman Sleepers, tor Li Puu.
Denver and Sao Fraucise-. 7 p. ml. tra. has Meeper to Marshall eon-nectirig for Hot Springs and St.
Louis. Take Jackson ut 'leboupitoulas ele-trte ear lines, via Jaru Street 1 errv. (u retua. Trams leave Gretna at a. 43 a.
m. and 7.55 p. IB. Fur tickets or other information, call oa se address A. S.
GRAHAM. Passenger and Ticket New Orlesna. La. ARTHUR IK ARMAS, City Passenger Agent. New Orleans, La.
K. P. TURNER, Gen. Passenger an 1 Ticket Agt Dallas. Tax.
L. THORN Ttlri Vice Pres. and Gen. Dallas. Tea.
(JUL JL'O A STFiUM EKT Y. For Rent. PASS CHRISTIAN. resMence; desirable location; fully lEti-nisiwd; tmtoiises, arables, artesian water; exteiasivs gnnn-s, H. J.
Leovy. 11 Nalc-ez street. LOST AN I FOl'XD. I- tST or a No. -OU of riat it4 U-a r.pa tf spvd ujii (or a ui-ji 4t.
Fiai'-i-r ui I M-H tt lit i rw. us in ci 1 ancj.s. $15J earm magrti-icent pmfra; Fst.iir..-i1 IS cii.es, iir: psr.ic'srs D. Sloane, ll- St. patii, MA.
vl 1 1 I 1H it 1 1 s4 1..